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我会给试卷评分。I will grade the paper.

第一件事,阅读试卷。First thing, read the test.

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请把试卷发下去。Let's pass the exams out please.

保持你的眼神在试卷上。Keep your eyes on your own paper.

试卷就在我抽屉里锁着,回家要好好复习功课!Test paper is locked in my drawer!

现在我把试卷发下去。I have some papers to give out now.

很多人都不会去阅读试卷。A lot of people don't read the test.

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试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。Papers are sent to UCLES for marking.

请逐个把试卷交上来。Please hand in your paper one by one.

生物试卷真难答。The biology paper was a real stinker.

请把试卷翻过来。Please reverse your examination paper.

你的试卷得马上交上来。Your paper should be handed in at once.

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我想提调一下这位同学的期末考试试卷。I want to use this student's test paper.

时间到了,请把试卷交上来。Time is up , please hand in your papers.

一场考试,七张试卷,散了一个班。An exam, seven papers, scattered a class.

编译考试试卷和标准答案。Compile exam papers and standard answers.

他沮丧地看着自己的试卷。He looked at his examination paper sadly.

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昨晚,在我的梦中我在无尽的试卷中漂浮。Last night, in my dream I was in of paper.

这台机器能批阅试卷。This machine can grade examination papers.

你们的试卷要在10点前交上来。Your papers should be handed in before 10.