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现在不能削弱发达地区的活力,也不能鼓励吃“大锅饭”。They went up on deck to get food from huge pots.

这样一来就消除了通常称作吃“大锅饭”的局面。This helps eradicate the practice of eating from the same big pot.

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这样一来就消除了通常称作吃“大锅饭”的局面。Thus, it can avoid the phenomenon normally called enjoying "the mess".

其实根本就不存在所谓的大锅饭,国家退休金没有资金来源。Hate to break it to you but there is no pot, state pensions are unfunded.

只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.

几年前,诺克斯加德纳,在西雅图,华盛顿技术顾问,提出了汤大锅饭。A few years ago, Knox Gardner, a technology consultant in Seattle, Washington, made a big pot of soup.

特别是大锅饭的管理模式,调动不了工作人员的积极性,使大多数就餐学生流。Results The management mode of individual independence contract has many problems on hygiene management.

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当然,太早这样办也不行,现在不能削弱发达地区的活力,也不能鼓励吃“大锅饭”。At present, we don't want to dampen the vitality of the developed areas or encourage the practice of having everyone 'eat from the same big pot'.

平均主义盛行,个人吃企业大锅饭,企业吃国家大锅饭,桎梏了名酒企业追求利润的愿望。Average socialist popular, people eat enterprise cauldron rice, enterprise eat countries cauldron rice, has been preventing the famous profit desire.

我们要打破大锅饭的体制,实行按劳绩分配,这样才能够调动大家的积极性。We should abandon indiscriminate egalitarianism and implement a system of distribution according to one's work, by which people will be enthusiastic to work.

改革破除了平均主义“大锅饭”,却又出现收入的贫富悬殊,并引发出一系列社会矛盾与问题,形成了各方面利益关系和社会的不和谐。Reforming done away with equalitarianism "food prepared in a large canteen cauldron", but appeared a wide gap between the rich and the poor, and led to a whole series of social problems.

他们充分发挥才智,迅速开动脑筋,在唯一的通讯方式-无线电的帮助下,他们找到了做“大锅饭”的方法,同时,他们还从邻区运进食品。Using ingenuity and quick thinking, with wireless as the only means of communication, they arranged for food to be cooked in large quantities and brought in from the neighboring districts.

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当然,太早这样办也不行,现在不能削弱发达地区的活力,也不能鼓励吃“大锅饭”。Of course, this should not be done too soon. At present, we don't want to dampen the vitality of the developed areas or encourage the practice of having everyone "eat from the same big pot".

在长期的计划经济体制下形成的对人力资源价值的忽略和漠视,以及由此而形成的“大锅饭”式的分配方式,导致人才的缺乏、浪费、流失和埋没。Neglect of human resource value and ignoring that formed under long-term planned economic system and the method of salary distribution of" mess" type cause talents' shortage, waste, loss and burying.