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排字工人排好了这一页。The printer composed the page.

我是从一个排字工人那里买的这则广告。I bought the ad from the typesetter.

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排字工人在这儿漏了一个字母。The typesetter has dropped a letter here.

关于排字的历史及行业。About the history and practice of typesetting.

最后终于在约翰·韦斯特印刷厂当了一名排字工。Finally he became a typesetter for john t. west's printery.

大楼的一部分拨作计算机排字或排版之用。Part of the building was dedicated to computer typesetting.

这个插件是一个必须为任何设计师或排字。This plug-in is a must have for any designer or compositor.

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来自德国的迪克设计的漂亮的排字印刷地图。Beautiful typographic map designed by Dirk Sch??chter from Germany.

报刊排字人曾一度在报刊产业扮演重要角色。Newspaper typesetters once played a key role in newspaper production.

电子排版用电脑辅助的排字和拼版。Electronic composition computer-assisted typeset ting and page make up.

由操作员或由排字系统自动进行的分字或齐行决定。MADE either by the operator or automatically by the typesetting system.

该网站中的数据可能包括不精确性或者排字上的错误。The data in this website may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.

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角色的名字要采用大写字母排字,而对白则采用常规文字样式。Write character names with capital letters but write dialogue text normally.

从前保存在排字工人字体盘下半部的字母。The characters that were once kept in bottom half of a compositor 's type case.

他觉得打电话、坐火车、用莱诺排字、乘飞机都是自然而然的事情。He takes for granted the telephone, the railway train, the linotype, the airplane.

很多时,配合精细的排字要求,就用它来代替连字号。Used to take the place of hyphen in many occasions when finer typography is required.

但它是错误的卡塔纳仅仅当作一个三维排字三维照明工具包。But it is wrong to think of Katana as just a 3D lighting package with 3D compositor tools.

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分类代码可依照一个对照表在输出时转换为排字指令。The generic codes can be converted into typesetting commands by means of a look-up table when out put.

在电脑排字系统内,视乎所用排字软件,范围从4点至576点或以上。For computer typesetting system, the size may range from 4, pt, to more than 576 pt, depending on the program.

用小写字母与大写字母排字样式将录音脚本与重播脚本写明——例如套装与SOT文件的脚本。Use lower and uppercase lettering for scripts that are recorded and will be played back--packages and SOTs for example.