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腐殖质土是培育油松苗的很好基质。Humus soil is the best culture substrate for Chinese pine.

答案就是脆米饼、奶油松糕和啤酒。Well, it spurred Rice Krispies, Twinkies and the beer can.

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自选牛角包,丹麦甜包或黄油松糕配以果酱,黄油。Flaky Croissants, Danish Pastries or Muffins with Preserves.

油松是呼和浩特市市树。Pinus tabulaeformis is the main afforestation tree in Huhhot City.

有近2万亩的油松、侧柏天然林带。Nearly 2 million mu of Chinese pine, with natural oriental arborvitae.

红脂大小蠹是我国一种危害油松等松树的外来入侵物种。Dendroctonus valens is a dangerous insect pest of several pine species in China.

探讨了30年生油松天然林的水文效应。The hydrologic effects of 30-year old natural Chinese pine forests have been measured.

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但是,由于缺水,油松的生长经常受到严重制约。However, the growth of the Pinus trees is prevailingly constrained by shortage of water.

本文以油松花粉为原料,通过盐酸水解制取复合氨基酸。Via hydrochloric acid hydrolyzing, complex amino acid was gained with pine pollen as material.

油松耐受时间比华北落叶松长,分别为8小时、8小时、6小时、6小时。Pinus tabulaeformis Carr could resist longer time, it could resist 8h, 8h, 6h, 6h respectively.

试验结果表明,适量的激光处理对油松陈种子的老化有修复效应。The results showed that the ageing of Chinese pine seeds can be repaired by proper laser process.

大量树势衰弱的油松是松黑木吉丁虫大发生的基本条件。A large number of weak pine trees were the elementary condition of Melanophila acuminata outbreak.

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对油松花粉中总黄酮的提取条件进行了研究。The extraction conditions of total flavonoids from Chinese pine pollen were studied in this paper.

油松28号不育系是因雌配子体发育停滞所致。The female sterile clone 28 is aborted because of the failure development in the female gametophyte.

得到了油松、刺槐人工林地土壤水分物理性质的时空动态规律。It is deduced of the time-space dynamic regularity of soil hydro-physical property of P. T. C. and R.

油松、火炬能够增加降雨中总氮、总磷的含量。The content of total N and total P in rainfall could be increased by Pinus tabulaeformis and Rhus typhina.

以MS为基本培养基,以油松成熟胚为外植体进行离体培养诱导不定芽。The mature embryos of Chinese pine were used as explants to induce adventitious buds on improved MS media.

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研究了用激光处理油松种子对其幼苗地上部分和地下部分的影响。Effect of laser process Chinese pine on the seedling growth of both aerial and underground part is studied.

说明母株的质量对油松萌芽枝的发生有明显影响。It indicated that the impact of the quality of maternal plants on generating sprout shoots was significant.

研究了子午岭林区内油松种子的萌发和幼苗出土对土壤水分和覆土深度的响应机理。The research showed that the plant biomass increased with the covering soil depth, whether inoculation or not.