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一列客厅车。A parlour car.

白日封起的客厅。In parlors shut by day.

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没有,我们没有客厅。Nay, we've noa parlours.

乔依,到客厅去。Joey, go to the living room.

王后在客厅吃面包蜂蜜。The queen was in the parlor.

清洗餐具——将干净的衣服叠放整齐——把客厅的玩具归位——帮助孩子收拾他们的房间。Help kids pick up their room.

这个客厅真大呀!How large this living room is!

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客厅需要重新装饰。The sitting-room needs redoing.

这客厅可俯瞰街道。The parlor overlooks the street.

客厅里有一台电脑。There is a pc in the livingroom.

我们需要一本可以摆在客厅的。We need a new coffee-table book.

他在客厅里接见了我们。He received us in the drawing-room.

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请到客厅来。Please come in to the liveing room.

你在客厅里有什么?What do you have in the livingroom?

灯光整日照射入客厅之中。Light pours daylong into the parlor.

客厅与书房相连。The parlour connects with the study.

你在客厅里,看到了什么?What can you see in the livingroom ?

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你客厅里有一架钢琴。You have a piano in your livingroom.

我在找一套新的客厅家具。Im looking for a new living room set.

从客厅、餐厅、厨房到每个房间皆采光良好。Lighting at every coner of the house.