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在我之后的这个图是个船坞This is the shipyard behind.

一般在干船坞中进行。We will do this in a drydock.

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那条船进了干船坞待修。The ship dry-docked for repair.

他们使船从船坞下水。They launched a ship from a shipyard.

这个船坞是设计用来维修的。This dock was designed for repairing.

若干地区存在船台及船坞等资本的过度供给。Some areas are slack in slipway and dock.

一艘新船从干船坞下水。A new ship was launched from the dry dock.

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干的船坞和一个潜艇模型。The dry dock and a model of the submarine.

巴比康第一个跨过船坞。Barbicane was the first to set foot on dock.

从船坞望向沿岸的景象。Sittin' on the dock of the bay in Longshore.

一艘新战舰从船坞下水。A new battleship was launched from a shipyard.

右边有一个漆成蓝色的船坞,上面系着几艘船。To the right you see a boat dock painted blue.

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伊丽莎白二世号停泊在船坞大修。The Queen Elizabeth II was in dock for major repair.

这次航行之后,船将进船坞待修。After the voyage,the ship will be laid up for repairs.

另一个是回到了船坞,正在为旅行使用。Another is back at the Dockyard, being used for tours.

船坞外缘贴着一圈旧轮胎,用来保护进坞的船只。Old tires line the floating dock to protect the boats.

它的后面是蓝桥和船坞起重机。The Blue Bridge and the dock cranes in the background.

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他花了整整一个星期时间跟拜伦一起参观船坞和工厂。He spent a week with Byron touring shipyards and factories.

并建有汇泉阁、湖心亭、船坞码头等。And has built a court Huiquan, mid-lake Pavilion, dock pier.

喜欢呆在游艇的人住在小游艇船坞旁。Boat owners who like to live on their boats stay in marinas.