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三十分钟后,罗杰开始求饶了。Thirty minutes later, Roger is begging for mercy.

人若对人怀怒,怎能向上主求饶?Man to man reserveth anger, and doth he seek remedy of God?

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马三跪在地上求饶,他要戴罪立功杀了霍元甲等人。The horse three kneel on the ground, he daizuiligong to kill Huo Yuanjia et al.

丝瓜苦苦求饶,陈三炮决定不杀死丝瓜,只砍断一只手就可以了。Luffa pleaded, Chen decided not to kill the three gun gourd, just cut off a hand on it.

丁大胜吓得当场向雷子枫求饶,最后终于保得性命回城。DingDaSheng frighten on the spot to LeiZiFeng beg for mercy, finally the life to return.

他们被打败后跪在地上求饶,丑态百出。They are made either to fall on their backs or go down on their knees begging for mercy.

连楚霸王都跪下来求饶了,京戏能不亡吗?But now even the King of Chu is on his knees begging for mercy, can Peking opera survive this indignity?

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柴英和赵龙不停的求饶,孙教官让他们自己做决定,两个人中必须留一个。Wood and guitar for mercy, sun instructor to let them make their own decisions, two people have to leave a.

他们对工作的热情和雄心引诱老板给他们一堆堆的工作,直到他们认输,求饶,然而这却是他们从未做过的。their enthusiasm and ambition tempt bosses to pile on the work until the employees cry uncle, which they never do.

她想挣开,开始哭着求饶,可是我紧紧掐着她,把她的头往后扳,盯着她的脸看。She struggled, she began to cry out for mercy, but I held her fast, forcing back her head and staring down into her face.

每当我爸爸对妈妈施暴的时候,我会去求饶,而且我也会感到很害怕,不停地哭,但是这都没有用。Whenever my father hurt my mother I use to beg for mercy and also I use to get really scared and cry a lot but all in vain.

三十分钟后,罗杰开始求饶了。“啊,今天是你的幸运日吧,”他不满地嘟囔道。“你也别太得意了。”Thirty minutes later, Roger is begging for mercy. “Ah, today is just your lucky day,” he gripes. “Don't let it get to your head.”

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赵笙没有向白毛鬼求饶,而是将一腔愤怒发泄出来,气得白毛鬼当场就要吸了他的血。Zhao Sheng white hairs there is no ghost for mercy, but a cavity vent anger, anger white hairs ghost will suck his blood on the spot.

人们曾经毫不怀疑的认为,是原子弹的伟大力量让日本从盲目的自取灭亡走向了跪地求饶,但现在这种观点已经过时了。Gone is the untroubled assumption that the mighty power of the A-bomb turned Japan from a fanatically suicidal nation at war to one begging for surrender.

谢若雪这时候看不下去了,出面为他们求情,谢炳炎终于答应,只要韩疏影肯求饶,便放他们走。Xie Re snow at this time to see not bottom go to, to intercede for them, Xie Bingyan finally agreed to, as long as Korea thin film for mercy, he let them go.

如今已经25岁的韩端仍然没有男朋友,记者试探性的说要帮她征婚,韩端拍着大腿直摇头,求饶般的回绝了。Now 25-year-old boyfriend still Han Duan, tentative reporters to help her marriage, Han Duan patting thighs, shaking his head straight, as the mercy rejected.

多少天夜里我都听到亚当斯家里有拳打脚踢的动静,听见她喘着求饶,弗兰克,耶稣啊,我是个女人啊,你打疼我了,孩子们正看着呢,等等。Many a night I’ve heard assorted wonks and baps from Adams’s house, with her gasping, Frank, Jesus, I Am a Woman, You’re Hurting Me, the Kids Are Watching, and so on.