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你到底在搞什么名堂?What the hell are you doing?

搞莫名堂?你还要吹头发?What the hell! You wanna dry your hair?

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搞莫名堂?你还在吹头发?What the hell? You wanna dry hour hair?

鲁克丽丝不活了,我还活什么名堂?Where shall I live now Lucrece is unlived?

谁知道她在偷偷搞什么鬼名堂呢!Who knows what wicked tricks she practises secretly.

说不准那工程师接着下来有会搞出啥名堂来呢。There's no telling what that engineer will come out with next.

我还是个孩子的时候,我总弄不明白我妈是如何总能一眼看穿我搞的是什么名堂。As a child I always wondered how my mother knew what I was up to.

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自此,仓前掏羊锅就上了名堂。Since then, the warehouse pot before the dig on the tricks sheep.

木名堂木艺是子典精心打造的木艺品牌。"Mumingtang" woodcraft is the famous woodcraft brand made by Z point.

老罔达一定知道我又要搞点什么与众不同的名堂。I guess he must have known that I was going to do something different.

李小龙是本港首位到荷里活闯出名堂的武打巨星,到现时他还是众人的偶像。Bruce Lee has been and still is a popular Hollywood idol action figure.

他一定要干出名堂来,然后风风光光迎娶她。He decided that he must make some accomplishment and then marry her grandly.

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如果你把信再读一遍,你就可以悟出点名堂来。If you read the letter once more, you'll be able to make something out of it.

老罔达一定知道我又要搞点什么与众不同的名堂。I'll finish." I guess he must have known that I was going to do something different.

杰克逊称,切宁“急切”希望“走出鲁伯特•默多克的阴影,闯出自己的名堂。”Chernin, Jackson said, is "hungry" to "make his mark outside of Rupert Murdoch's shadow.

杰克逊称,切宁“急切”希望“走出鲁伯特•默多克的阴影,闯出自己的名堂。”Chernin, Jackson said, is "hungry" to "make his mark outside of Rupert Murdoch's shadow."

要知道那时乔丹已是名满天下而科比刚刚有点名堂。To know when Michael Jordan is renowned the world over and Kobe Bryant just be something.

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玩游戏也能玩出大名堂,就像显微镜的发明者列文。胡克一样。Playing games can lead people to achievements, like Levin and Huke , the inventors of microscope.

大家搞什么名堂?你们应该炫耀自己的国家,为什么反而都在抨击英国?Wtf is peoples problem?! You're supposed to show off your country why are people bashing england?

国王搞这名堂,正是为了雇用西西里国王的这个该死的唱诗班!And was it just for the sake of employing these rascally chanters of the King of Sicily that he did that?