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自制的柳编成品拿来出售。He takes out his self-made wickerwork and sells it.

他将自制的柳编成品拿来出售。He takes out his self-made wickerwork and sells it.

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柳编布艺收纳,时尚,环保,简单。Environmental-protection Willow basket, easy and tidy.

柳编用途甚广,为民用不可缺少的生产、生活用品。Willow uses a wide range of essential civilian production and living supplies.

第三章就白旄柳编习俗的产生进行论述。In the third chapter, I narrated the coming into being of the Baimao wickerwork convention.

竹篮,藤篮,木篮,铁皮篮,柳编蓝,剑麻篮,水葫芦篮子,水草篮子。Bamboo baskets, rattan baskets, wooden baskets, wire baskets, willow baskets, seagrass baskets, water hyacinth baskets,.

清洁桶能买到,也可以废物利用,比如塑料容器,柳编竹篮等。You can purchase an actual caddy or just re-purpose a plastic container or wicker basket you already have around the house.

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宋代河南杞县知县调至固安任职时,将杞柳移植而来,引进柳编技术。Ken to the Song Dynasty in Henangu an Qixian office, Salix integra transplant will come from the introduction of Willow Technology.

目前该地区白柳种植面积已发展至4000余公顷,从事柳编业的编织人员达十数万人,有着丰富的柳条编结经验。Up to the present, some 4,000 hectares of white willow have planted in the region. A total of over 100,000 experienced people are involved in the weaving of willow products.

临沭县洪明柳业工艺品有限公司是一家直接生产各种柳制品的出口企业。她位于中国著名的“柳编之乡”山东临沭。Linshu Hongming Wicker Crafts Co. , Ltd. is a direct manufacturer and exporter specializing in variety of willow products. It is situated in the famous willow town- Linshu , Shandong.