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她是个很会讨顾客喜欢的女招待。She is very pleasing waitress.

该俱乐部雇佣了30多位女招待。The club employs about 30 hostesses.

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他准备下个月和那个女招待举行婚礼。He will wed that waitress next month.

那个女招待长得不错,真是一个美人儿。That waitress is a looker, a real dish.

那个女招待又拿着两瓶可乐回来了。The waitress was back with two more Cokes.

实际上,工资最低的是女招待。The lowest wages actually go to waitresses.

在日本有多少女招待并未有明确数据统计。It is unclear how many hostesses work in Japan.

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在新奥尔良哈兰工作的女招待。A waitress working at the Harrahs in New Orleans.

这时候一位女招待端着一盘饮料走了过来并端给总理一杯酒。Then a waitress came over to him with a tray of drinks.

“你想要一个单人间还是双人?”要求酒吧女招待。"Would you like a single or a double?" asks the barmaid.

我吃完了自己的三文治,女招待收走了桌上的餐碟。I finished my sandwich, and the waitress cleared our plates.

一位祖鲁族女招待正在为顾客端上当地特色的烤肉。A Zulu waitress is serving local barbecues for her customers.

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但这时候,那个女招待又绕过那堵隔墙,拿着我的食物大步走过来。But then the waitress strode around the partition with my food.

“他并不需要酸芥末,”丹坚称道,挥手示意叫女招待离开。"He doesn't want Dijon, " he insisted, waving the waitress off.

如果你去一家餐馆,对男招待或女招待要有礼貌。If you go to a restaurant, be courteous to the waiter or waitress.

苏珊去世前把他介绍给了女招待阿斯特丽德·蒙克斯。Before her death, Susan introduced him to Astrid Menks, a waitress.

女招待端来了我们的晚餐,我们默默地吃了一会儿。After the waitress arrived with our food, we ate in silence for a time.

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酒吧女招待在我们面前摆放两个盘子时停顿了一下。There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates in front of us.

希望成为头牌的女招待们可能会提供高级客户特殊服务。Hostesses hoping to become No. 1 are likely to offer top clients special perks.

就好像得到暗示一样,那个女招待带着我们的饮料和一篮烘焙面包卷出现了。Right on cue, the waitress appeared with our drinks and a basket of breadsticks.