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一个常用的特性是标尺。One commonly used feature is rulers.

这也是在游标尺上,可选择的。It's also on a vernier, a sliding scale.

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责任是标尺,丈量可否行。Responsibility is the ruler, can measure.

知道你自己心中的标尺,无理由的相信它。Know your paradigm and live it without excuses.

外国媒体是衡量一届奥运会成功与否的重要标尺。The media are the arbiters of a successful Games.

利用人物来给你的照片增添生气和标尺。Make use of people to give your images life and scale.

用笔记本、标尺和钢笔来检查你作出的食物选择。Use a notebook, ruler, and pen to check your food choices.

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那杆猎枪是件漂亮的德国货,有刻着十字标尺线的瞄准镜。The rifle was a beautiful German thing with cross-hair sights.

发动机使用一个标尺检查发动机油位。The engine oil level is checked using a dipstick in the engine.

简单的游标尺的刻度清晰,具并且可见度很高。The simple Vernier scale is clearly marked for good visibility.

她的个人生活成为好莱坞风流韵事的标尺。Her personal life set a Hollywood standard for glamour and tumult.

绝不要让问题成为衡量你人生价值的标尺。Never let problems become a measurement of your value as a person.

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这个「蝇王」可以算作现代主义运动的标尺。The Lord of the Flies is an appropriate benchmark for the movement.

收益率是衡量你的投资所得收入多少的重要标尺。Yield is an important measure of theincome you earn on an investment.

塞尔医生说你不需要一个标尺或定时装置。Doctor Sayre says you do not need a measuring stick or a timing device.

想要把时间标尺移动到合成的头和尾,按Home和End键,如果加按Shift,则是移动到工作区域的头和尾。Add Shift to that, and you move to the beginning or end of you Work Area.

因此,普选制是测量工人阶级成熟性的标尺。Universal suffrage is thus the gauge of the maturity of the working class.

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由于这些原因,我们可以把个人储蓄率当作标尺拿来参考一下。For these reasons, it makes sense to use the personal saving rate as a gauge.

概览标尺还可以表示编辑器中其他需要注意的位置。The overview ruler can also indicate other points of interest in your editor.

你生产一把美好的桃花心木硬木标尺并且继续显示它在双方。You produce a fine mahogany hardwood rod and proceed to show it on both sides.