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像是个两居室住所。It was like a two- room flat.

他是一个没有固定住所的小贩。He is a pedlar of no fixed abode.

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我们的马厩和他的住所毗连。Our stable abuts against his dwelling.

正在寻觅豪华住所?这里就是!Value Place is an extended-stay hotel.

他在巴黎找到了一个临时住所。He found a temporary lodgment in Paris.

我把他的信件改寄到他的新住所。I redirected his letters to his new house.

他们跟随这个司机,找到了塔克斯宏的住所。They follow the driver to Tuxhorn's house.

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恰当地遮盖住所有食物吗?Were all food items appropriately covered?

亚历山大负责给他们安排新的住所。Alexander was responsible for rehousing them.

他的住所几乎每晚都遭火箭弹袭击。His residence is rocketed almost every night.

不付定金本住所不做任何留房承诺。We cannot make any promise without your deposit.

我走街串巷找到了他的新住所。I went round the streets and found his new abode.

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清洁。身体、衣服和住所应力求清洁。Clean. In body, clothes tolerate no uncleanliness.

一间悔过房早就应该成为你的住所了。A penitent cell would have been your home long ago.

一个星期前,他对记者开放自己的住所。A week ago, he opened his residence to journalists.

当鹪鹩换新住所时,也放弃它的伴侣。And when that wren moves, it also abandons its mate.

每天晚上我回到家时,我都努力检查我的住所。Every night when I come home, I search my apartment.

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或者,幸福其实很简单一一有遮风避雨的住所?Or is happiness simply having a roof over your head?

人们想要知道他们的永久住所在那儿。People want to know where their permanent houses are.

他们需要能御寒的临时住所和毛毯。They need winterized temporary shelters and blankets.