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你我要齐心合力,杰克。It's you and me, Jack.

我们必须齐心合力,斩断他的魔爪。We must take concerted action and cut his claws.

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因为我们找回了自信,只要大家齐心合力泰山也可移!We were moving mountains. Long before we knew we could.

如果我们齐心合力,我们可以用一半时间完成这项任务。If we pull together, we can accomplish the task in half the time.

他们各自分工齐心合力,目标终于达成。The division of their respective work together, the goal was reached.

我们齐心合力,就可以制止烟草的流行及其带来的诸多问题。Together, we can halt the tobacco epidemic and the many problems it brings.

全家齐心合力为玉财全家布置温馨婴儿房,令敏敏再次感激不已。The whole family together for the jade wealth family decorate warmth babys room, the min min again thankful.

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干得好!很高兴看到你们齐心合力干活!第八是羊,第九是猴子,第十是鸡。Well done! It is good to see you working together! The goat is eighth, the monkey is ninth and rooster is tenth.

但我们有信心相信,经理和高层都在齐心合力推进切尔西进步。We are very confident that both the manager and the board are together on how we make Chelsea even more successful.

新阶段的学习即将开始,让我们齐心合力、努力学习、利用各种机会发展和提高我们自身。As the new quarter begins, let's endeavor to be diligent, cooperative and to develop our character at every opportunity.

“这太感人了,这是我们齐心合力一起创造的一个奇迹”成都消防队长孙国立对美联社说到。"It is very moving. It's a miracle brought about by us all working together, " Sun Guoli, the fire chief of Chengdu, told The A. P.

“像印度这样的国家齐心合力地降低出生率时,巴西没有真正努力却取得了较好的结果。”哈佛大学的乔治?马蒂尼这样说。While countries such as India have made joint efforts to reduce birth rates, Brazil has had better result without really trying, says George Martine at Harvard.

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我深信,21世纪的诸多问题不可能由任何一个国家单枪匹马地解决,我们只有齐心合力才能解决这些问题。I believe strongly that the problems of the 21st century cannot be solved by any one nation acting in isolation. They must be solved by all of us coming together.

当局邀请区议会和社区团体参与清洁香港计划,让市民齐心合力,重新承担清洁香港的责任。District Councils and community groups have been invited to participate in Clean Hong Kong activities to signify a renewed public commitment to a cleaner Hong Kong.

齐心合力,新惠普的员工都对顾客很是热情,都高度正视团队的协作、速度和矫捷性,都判定地信赖并尊敬每一小我。Together, employees in the new HP share a passion for customer, an intense focus on teamwork, speed and agility, and a commitment to trust and respect for all individuals.

他们积极响应政府号召并与政府齐心合力地开展了新南京的各项建设事业,新生政权得以巩固。They responded actively to the calling of the Government and concerted efforts with the Government to carry out the construction of the new Nanjing, and the new regime was consolidated.

无论艺术家个人作品表现怎样的内容,他们都在倡议身处在美国亚裔的多元化,而同时,这种齐心合力与个体之间相冲突的矛盾感。Whatever the content of the individual artists' works, together they suggest that the Asian American community is a dynamic and contrasting one filled with synergy and tension, unity and clashes.

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城市争夺战,大型国战都是以帮会为基础的,所以帮会成员的利益都紧密的结合在一起,大家都会齐心合力的建设自己的帮会。The battle for the city, the country large-scale gang war are based, so the interests of the members of the gang are close together, and we can all work together in building their own secret society.