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要花80天环游世界?Around the world in 80 days?

每日积累跬步的人,最终将环游世界。May get round the world at last.

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他打算徒步旅行环游世界一周。He wants to hike round the world.

他能带领你在一个城市中环游。It can guide you around in a city.

瓦儿…欢迎你找时间一起跟我去环游神州大陆。I guess you had a great time there.

我们在加勒比海上作了一次环游。We took a cruise in the Carribbean.

后来,Peek和一个奥斯卡小金人一起继续环游。Peek later traveled with an Oscar statuette.

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张强喜欢环游世界。Zhang Qiang likes travelling around the world.

用50或100年环游世界。And 50 or 100 years traveling around the world.

他们现在环游世界,互诉衷肠。They now travel the world telling their stories.

我们在环游整个美国。We're traveling in throughout the United States.

我想我会很享受开车环游这座城市。and I thought I'd enjoy driving around the city.

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菲欧娜一直梦想著要环游世界。Fiona has always dreamed of traveling the world over.

从前,有一条青鱼决心要环游世界。A herring once decided to swim right around the world.

最后一个问题,你愿意和马特一起环游世界去跳舞吗?Finally, Do you wanna dance with Matt aroud the world?

雷克雅未克现在是很多环游世界者的新宠。Reykjavik is trendy with a lot of globetrotters nowadays.

通常,驾车环游特里尼迪山脉往往能享受到一场视觉盛宴。Ordinarily a drive around the Trinities is a visual treat.

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上周他花了好些时间环游在德国和中国。He spent most of last week globetrotting in Germany and China.

摩里斯为了要环游世界而设法多赚点钱。Maurice tried to make more money for traveling around the world.

在加入一对的一类侦探二人组,环游世界的冒险之旅。Join a detective duo on a one-of-a-kind, globetrotting adventure.