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他开发了一种在他的内耳疾病。He developed a disorder in his inner-ear.

同时重点观察了内耳的损伤。Injuries of inner-ear were also observed.

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在外周听觉系统中,核心部分是内耳的耳蜗。Inner ear is the key in the auditive system.

脊椎动物的内耳中存在耳石器官。There are otolithic organs in the inner ear of vertebrates.

“斯蒂文的内耳有着一个创口,”霍奇森透露到。"Steven got a cut inside his inner ear, " revealed Hodgson.

内耳炎,即内耳感染或发炎。Labyrinthitis, an infection or inflammation of the inner ear.

接下来,我们让泡囊发育成一个成熟的内耳。And then we let the ball develop into a fully grown inner ear.

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内耳含有声波撞击即可变形的纤细的毛细胞。The inner ear contains tiny hair cells that deform when sound waves hit them.

内耳迷路是耳内的一个器官,能让你保持平衡。The labyrinth is the organ in your inner ear that enables you to maintain balance.

内耳的半规管以及椭圆囊和球囊主要有平衡功能。The inner ear and the semicircular canal and utricle balance function main balloon.

宝宝需要很多头部运动来刺激内耳中的内耳石。Babies need to experience head movement that stimulates the otoliths in the inner ear.

其实,年龄的增长只是产生头晕问题的一个方面,内耳障碍才是主要原因。Getting older is only part of the problem. Inner-ear disturbances are the primary cause.

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和恶心一样,呕吐的病因如晕动病、药物反应、内耳疾病、头颅损伤等。Causes include illness, motion sickness, certain drugs, inner ear disorders, and head injury.

基因克隆和基因转染技术的发展让内耳基因治疗前景广阔。Developments of gene cloning and gene transfection have broaded outlook of NT-3 gene therapy.

目的探讨中缝背核至内耳的传出神经通路。Objective To investigate the efferent pathway from the dorsal raphe nucleus to the inner ear.

该疾病还会引起内耳的压力增加,从而导致剧烈的耳痛。The disease can also cause a build up of pressure in the inner ear leading to severe earache.

结果44例共88个部位均能良好地显示内耳及内听道的形态结构。Results 88 anatomic locations of inner ear structure was displayed clearly in all of 44 cases.

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同时利用光学显微镜观察不同基因型小鼠的内耳形态变化。The inner ears of the mice were removed and examined morphologically with the light microscope.

内耳由碳酸钙构成,其大小及形状随物种的不同有很大的差别。Otoliths are made of calcium carbonate and their size and shape is highly variable among species.

分析了中内耳各细微结构在横、冠状位上的显示优势。Analysing the HRCT showing optimum of normal middle inner ear in transverse and coronary position.