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伤风使某人失去辨别滋味的能力。A cold dulls sb. 's taste.

他的伤风现已好转。His cold has cleared up now.

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她伤风老是不好。She can't get rid of the cold.

她因伤风而感到不舒服。She is indisposed with a cold.

他似乎伤风了。He appears to have caught cold.

伤风使我鼻子不通了。My cold gave me a blocked-up nose.

微笑可以预防流感和伤风。Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.

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你的声音听起来像是伤风了。Your voice sound as if you have a cold.

她为她的孩子治疗伤风和肚子痛。Mother doctored us for colds and stomachaches.

她为她的孩子治疗伤风和肚子痛。She doctors her children for colds and stomachaches.

那天晚上,他觉得是在伤风了,便吃了些奎宁。That night he felt a cold coming on and took quinine.

这个产物让我全家避免染上常见的伤风。This keeps my family from coming down with frequent colds.

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桑拿也可以十分有效的驱散头伤风。It can be a very effective method of breaking up a head cold.

在冬天,常常按摩手掌,能抵挡冰冷,预防伤风。In winter, often to massage the palm, can resist cold, prevent colds.

例如伤风,流行性感冒,麻疹,腮腺炎,水痘和肺炎。Examples are colds, influenza, measles, mumps, chicken pox , and pneumonia.

但请防止持久处于空调房间中,以防伤风。However, to avoid long-term air-conditioned room to prevent the common cold.

听起去您如同得了衰止伤风。让我量量您的体温。It sounds like you are coming down with the flu. Let me take your temperature.

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目的观察伤风净喷鼻液在体外的抗病毒作用。Objective To observe the antivirus effects of Shangfengjing nasal-spray liquid in vitro.

特效伤风灵,舒缓的草药茶,能缓解鼻塞和喉咙痛。Coldaid is a soothing herbal tea for temporary relief from nasal congestion and sore throat.

躲避伤风或流感病菌不仅仅是靠勤洗手或是离那些生病的人远点就可以的。Dodging a cold or flu virus isn't just about washing your hands or avoiding people who are sick.