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他把这个故事比做托尔斯泰的道德名篇。He likened the story to Tolstoy's moral tales.

19世纪的文学是游记名篇的渊薮。The literature of the 19th century is rich with great travel writing.

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假如将阅读课文中名家名篇比作“品酒”,那么作文就如同“酿酒”。If reading can be compared to tasting wine, writing is like brewing wine.

恰当地称引名篇会使你的文章增色不少。Using appropriate quotations from classics will add lustre to your essay.

名篇赏析对于古代文学教学意义重大。Masterpiece appreciation is very important to the teaching of Ancient Literature.

更重要的是其创作的诗歌、散文、小说等体裁的作品中多有不可多得的名篇。More importantly, of her works , some poems, proses and novels are rarely renowned.

由于汉初贾谊作骚体诗却以赋名篇,造成汉代以后辞赋的混淆。Since Han Dynasty, Fu is in a confusing state for the sake of Jia Yi's poems named after Fu.

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在余光中的诗歌中,不乏以大陆江河为吟咏对象的名篇佳构。Among Yu Guangzhong's poems, there are a lot of them chanting and singing of rivers and streams.

他长期战斗在新闻采访第一线,写出了许多脍炙人口的名篇佳作。He worked in the first-line of news gathering for a long time while wrote many well-known works.

进入新时期以来,传记文学更得到蓬勃发展,不但数量空前,而且名篇迭出。但是,传记文学的评论相对较少。In the new century, biography is getting a more rapid development not only in quantity but also in quality.

最后,在书名篇短剧中,布拉德·戴维斯遇到了三百年前他曾爱过,而后又抛弃的女孩的幽灵。And finally, in the title play, Brad Davis meets the ghost of the girl he loved and left three hundred years ago.

到了唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行,许多诗人的名篇中都有咏月的诗句。The Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wan Yue prevailed, read by many poets in the poem Ode to the Moon has.

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而命题者的主题意识及其对名篇艺术的追求,又决定了名篇方式的多样性。However, the writers' awareness of theme as well as pursuit of art determined diversification of chapter headings.

名篇的产生,与创作主体在特定时空背景下由特殊的事件所触发的特定情感关系至为密切。The production of master-piece was much related to the specific emotion of the author in the specific context of time and space.

文章意在通过对该名篇的诠释和分析来探讨斯威夫特突出的反讽艺术和令人流泪的荒诞。Based on the analysis and interpretation of this famous prose, the paper is meant to highlight Swift's striking irony and bleeding absurdity.

他以黄钟大吕式的新闻名篇,记录了中国人民半个多世纪以来的前进步伐,有力地推动了时代进步。He has recorded the Chinese people' s advance steps in more than half centuries by his masterpiece of news, which powerfully impelled the time to be regressive.

通过对中学教材中几个名篇的解读示例,具体地阐说从细节进入小说、散文和诗歌文本的方法和步骤。By analyzing some famous texts in middle school textbook as examples, this essay is to state the methods and steps from details to enter novels, essays and poems.

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乐极生悲是我国古代文学的传统主题之一,作为中国小说成熟标志的唐传奇自然有诸多名篇佳作涉及这一主题。That"extreme joy begets sorrow" is one of traditional subjects in Chinese ancient literature. As a mature sign of Chinese novel, many Tang legends have the same theme.

同时,在这里也想正告一些所谓娱乐界“大腕”,最好别再拿古典名篇名字用来作为自己的电影或作品名字…Meanwhile, I want to warn "star" of some so-called amusement circles sternly too here, had better not take classical famous chapter name to use as yourself film or works name again.

中国人自古就有旅游的文化传统,先贤们们“读万卷书,行万里路”,留下了无数脍炙人口的旅游名篇佳作。Traveling has been a long-held tradition in the Chinese culture. The Chinese have always believed that he who excels reads as many as ten thousand books and travels as far as ten thousand miles.