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他突然不辞而别。He suddenly peeled out.

汤姆又不辞而别了。Tom has hived off again.

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忽然,里克驾车不辞而别。Suddenly, Rick peels out with the van.

请原谅我的不辞而别。Forgive me for leaving without telling you.

那正是为何你不辞而别,是的,我知道。That's why you go away, I know, yes I know.

所以她没有别的选择,只好和力克不辞而别。She had no choice but left without saying goodbye.

我因不辞而别而感到内疚。I felt guilty about leaving without saying goodbye.

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她在上星期六的聚会中不辞而别吗?Did she take French leave at the party last Saturday?

他昨天不辞而别是不礼貌的。It is not manners that he took French leave yesterday.

七月,她远走高飞,对我不辞而别。July, she will fly, and give no warning to her flight.

为何你要不辞而别这么意外的“惊喜叫我如何应对?Why should you Frence leave so unexpected" surprise me how?"

请给我解释一下你不辞而别的理由好吗?Could you please give me a reason why you left without a word?

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他的不辞而别使得他的朋友很生气。He left without saying good-bye , which made his friend angry.

本来我们说好要一起填志愿的,没想到她不辞而别。We agreed to fill volunteer together, did not expect her Frence leave.

他这种不辞而别的行为是极其不负责的。It is exceedingly irresponsible of him to leave without saying goodbye.

妈妈的死去和珍妮的不辞而别让阿甘清楚知道什么才是爱。His mother's death and Jenny's disappearance let Forrest know what love is.

然后伊尔莎奉告力克为什么会不辞而别。Then Ilsa tells Rick that why she had to leave him without any explanation.

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徐庆岚病重,为了不拖累大家,她留下一封信不辞而别。Xu Qinglan was seriously ill, in order not to drag everyone, she left a letter to Frence leave.

好好为了不想拖累正桥,决定不辞而别靠自己独力生活。In order to dont want to drag right bridge well, decided to take French leave on their own life by himself.

一天这个女子不辞而别,只留下“我到大城市去寻找机会”,她的爷爷告诉这两个小伙子“她说她向往新的生活。”She has gone to “try her luck in a big city, ” her grandfather tells them. “She said she wanted a new life.”