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我可以享受免税吗?Can l have it tax-free?

免税商店在那里?。Where is the duty-free shop?

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没有啊,我是在免税商店买的。Not really. It was duty-free.

这电视机不能免税。This TV set is not duty-free.

这里的什么东西是免税的?What can I buy tax-free here?

这些商品是否都免税?Are all these goods duty free?

有免税商店吗?Are there any duty-free shops?

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我有一张免税的报销单。I have an untaxed expense account.

这个在免税限额内吗?Is this within the tax-free limit?

任何私人财务都免税。Any personal effects are duty-free.

二份计划均要求新的免税。Both plans call for new tax breaks.

免税商店什么时候关门?When does the Duty Free Shop close?

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录相机不能免税。This videocorter can't be duty free.

你的个人物品是免税的。Your personal effects are duty free.

我在免税商店买了这个礼物。I bought this gift at a duty-free shop.

我在日本免税商店买了这样东西。I bought it at a duty-free shop in Japan.

我在日本免税商店买了这样东西。I bought it at a duty-free-shop in Japan.

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飞机上有免税商品吗?。Do you have duty-free goods on the flight?

你们飞机上卖免税商品吗?Do you sell duty-free goods on the flight?

新创的公司可获3年免税。Year tax exemption for Start-up Companies.