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找一个停车计费器。Find a parking meter.

显示系统如何跟踪计费。Show how the system tracks charging.

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但是这里是按干洗计费的。But I'm being charged for dry-cleaning.

以小时计费很好的弥补了双方的短板。Hourly billing serves both of these ends.

我们的场景是一个移动电话计费系统。Our scenario is a cell-phone billing system.

撑篙平底船可租或由船夫撑篙以小时计费。Punts can be hired or chauffeured by the hour.

但是这里是按干洗计费的。Yes, I remembered to pick up your dry-cleaning.

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我伸手扶住一个停车计费器。I put out my hand and hold on to a parking meter.

付设计费,是省钱的一个好方法。To pay the design fee is a good way to save money.

按次计费的频道费用会加到您的房间费用里面。The pay-per-view channel will be charged to your room.

是否所有的线路都计费仪或厘米吗?Does all the cables are caculated by meter or centimeter?

如果是文字传真,价格和长途直拨拨电话一样计费。Iff it is a document, the price is as much as an IDD call.

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通常定价引擎是较大的计费系统的一部分。Often the rating engine is part of a larger billing system.

要观看按次计费频道,请按照屏幕上的指示操作。To watch Pay-Per-View, follow the directions on the screen.

第五章是对全文总结,以及提出计费现有的问题及解决的方法。And finally the fifth chapter is the sum-up about the essay.

然而,大多数的按摩专家是以小时计费的。However, most of these massaging masters charge by the hour.

叫号电话若拨错是会计费的。It will be charged when a wrong number in station to station.

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每字费用七角,不满十个字以十个字计费。The charges are 70 cents per word with a minimum of ten words.

计费系统通常提供定制的管理功能。Typically the billing system provides custom management function.

以小时计费的“情侣汽车旅馆”订房率也大幅上升。Bookings at pay-by-the-hour "love motels" have also risen sharply.