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他如坐针毡。He is on pins and needles.

沃森太太如坐针毡。Mrs. Watson sat on pins and needles.

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即将成为父亲的人紧张地如坐针毡。The father-to-be is on pins and needles.

这电影使我们如坐针毡了两个小时之久。The movie kept us on tenterhooks for two hours.

一些外汇市场的参与者为此如坐针毡。This is making some foreign-exchange participants edgy.

但在此之前,三星公司的公关代表都会如坐针毡。Until then, its PR representatives are in a tough spot.

近几个月他一直烦虑不安,如坐针毡。For the last few months, he has been on a bed of thorns.

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我很担心考试结果,感觉如坐针毡。I was jumping out of my skin worrying about my exam results.

在我们谈话的时候,他因有所期待而如坐针毡。He was on tenterhooks of expectation during our conversation.

在我们谈话时,他因有所期待而如坐针毡。I found him on tenterhooks when he was waiting for his girlfriend.

起码,这可以令以北的日本和以南的菲律宾如坐针毡。At minimum, that would unsettle Japan to the north and the Philippines to the south.

我这整个星期如坐针毡。老板说他这个星期五要召见我。I've been on pins and needles all week. The boss said he wants to see me this Friday.

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与此同时,巨大的成本与微薄的收入让许多视频分享网站经营者如坐针毡。Meanwhile, high costs and low revenue caused many video-sharing websites on pins and needles.

一次这样的审查结果足以让其它媒体的每个新闻编辑室都郁闷不已,如坐针毡了。One dose of censorship like that is enough to sour every other newsroom sitting on a big exposé.

约翰松的廉政运动让阿维兰热如坐针毡——他哪里敢要求进行独立审查?Johansson's Mr Clean campaign needled Havelange. How dare he call for independent investigations?

如坐针毡的上校尽快打发走了乡下的来宾。The colonel, on pins and needles, did what he could to speed up the departure of the countryside guests.

四个小时的审讯对于贝兰克费恩简直就是如坐针毡,难怪平时能言善辩的他到最后只能垂头撒气的离开。No wonder the usually chirpy Mr Blankfein looked so drained by the time he was let go, after almost four hours in the hot seat.

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伊斯兰好战分子成功的搞杂了巴基斯坦的政治环境,这尤其让穆沙拉夫如坐针毡。In particular, the success of Islamic militants in queering Pakistan's political trajectory makes his position increasingly untenable.

两个小时过去了,兰如剑如坐针毡,他一把推开房门,只见钟小娴喷出一口污血。Two hours passed, LAN such as the sword was on pins and needles, a push away a door, he saw Zhong Xiaoxian spit out one mouthful WuXie.

全球四大会计事务所之一的德勤现在如坐针毡,已经成为有关自由企业未来的全球争夺战的焦点。The global accounting powerhouse, Deloitte, is sitting between a bullet and a target in a global battle over the future of free enterprise.