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我伸懒腰。I stretch out.

先伸伸懒腰。First, stretch yourself.

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又打哈欠又伸懒腰。A yawn followed a stretch.

他站起身,伸了伸懒腰。He rose and stretched himself.

猫醒来时伸伸懒腰。The cat woke up and stretched.

他伸了伸懒腰,打了个哈欠。He stretched and yawned lazily.

他打个哈欠,伸一伸懒腰。He yawned and stretched himself.

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他打了个呵欠伸了伸懒腰。He stretched himself with a yawn.

他坐起身,伸伸懒腰,打了个哈欠。He sat up and stretched and yawned.

此时,她们伸伸懒腰,慢慢地苏醒了。And then they stretch and gradually awaken.

孔瓦下车将乌龟移走,其他人则跳下车来伸伸懒腰,四处看看。The rest of us got out to stretch and watch.

她慢慢地醒来了,睡眼朦朦地在太阳下伸伸懒腰。She woke slowly, sleepily, stretching in the sun.

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猴子弯弯腰。猴子伸懒腰。猴子沙滩躺。Monkeys bend. Monkeys reach. Monkeys lie along the beach.

要休息,走动走动,伸伸懒腰,吃午餐要离开办公室。Take breaks. Walk around stitch. Ear lunch away from your desk.

要休息,走动走动,伸伸懒腰。吃午餐就要离开办公室。Take breaks . walk around. Strech. Eea lunch away from your desk.

要休息,走动走动,伸伸懒腰,吃午餐要离开办公室。Take breaks. Walk around. Stretch. Eat lunch away from your desk.

于是默顿做了一个狗伸懒腰的动作,有点像在鞠躬似的。And Merton did this dog stretchy thing where he sort of like bowed.

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火车进站时旅客站起来伸了伸懒腰。Passengers stood and stretched as the train pulled into the station.

她慢慢地醒来了,睡眼朦朦地在太阳下伸伸懒腰。“对不起——我睡着了。”She woke slowly, sleepily, stretching in the sun. "Sorry-I fell asleep. ""

她慢慢地醒来了,睡眼朦朦地在太阳下伸伸懒腰。“对不起——我睡着了。”She woke slowly, sleepily, stretching in the sun. "Sorry—I fell asleep. ""