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她泪如泉涌。Tears gushed from her eyes.

当我看到地震的照片时,我泪如泉涌。My tears poured when I saw the pictures.

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她泪如泉涌地坐着轿子回家了。She went home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair.

每个情节都能让我泪如泉涌,不能再看到别人幸福的样子。I never realized it was the last time when it happend.

他父亲惊奇地盯着他,然后便泪如泉涌。His father stared in surprise and then burst out in tears.

她独自坐在哪儿,泪如泉涌。She sat there alone, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

男人用力地闭上了眼睛,泪如泉涌。The Man shut his eyes hard as the tears poured down his face.

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想象的悲恸是如此强烈,使伯莎泪如泉涌。The imagined grief was so poignant that Bertha burst into tears.

她谢过店主,挂断了电话,泪如泉涌。She thanked him and hung up the phone, her tears now flowing hard.

“哦,爸爸,你别那么说,”她央求道,同时也不由得泪如泉涌了。"Oh, papa , please don't, " she pleaded, tears welling from her eyes.

安德鲁泪如泉涌,却并不为之惭愧。Andrew was not ashamed to find that tears were coursing down his face.

如果你非要说自己感情丰富,泪如泉涌,可以滔滔,绵绵不绝,那我也没有办法。If you want to say oneself emotional, tears, surging, so that I can't.

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我自己呜咽着背,同时听得见坐在旁边缝纫着的母亲也欷欷歔歔地泪如泉涌地哭着。I sobbed back, at the same time hear sat sewing a mother to sob to sob, , to cry tears.

司徒舜解释与珍妮的时机不合,未能开始发展,珍妮听罢泪如泉涌转身离开。SiTuShun explain with Jenny timing, failed to start the development, Jenny listen to his left.

那是我不知道怎么释怀我的忧伤,特别是当他们开始为你祈祷的时候,我泪如泉涌。I couldn't conceal my sadness at that time, esp. when they began to say prayers for u, I burst into tears.

在研讨会听到男人和橡皮筋的比喻后,她就泪如泉涌地原谅了丈夫。After hearing about men and rubber bands in the seminar, she burst into tears of forgiveness for her husband.

他终于明白“祂未曾来到”,于是泪如泉涌,在那悲哀的梦中痛苦起来。He realized at length that "He had not come," and burst into tears and bitter weeping in his sorrowful dream.

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人会为了自己的妻子、孩子,或者金钱而泪如泉涌,但谁会为神哭泣呢?Men shed a jugful of tears for the sake of their children, for their wives, or for money. But who weeps for God?

我到的时候,卡玛莉的母亲,姐妹,祖母,已开始悲唱死亡圣歌了,脸上泪如泉涌。When I arrived, Kamari's mother and sister and grandmother were already wailing the death chant, tears streaming down their faces.

不像我祖父追思会上那种大家泪如泉涌的场景,这次,我们在屋子里走动,看到大家都是面带笑容的。In place of tears streaming down our faces, like at my grandfather's memorial service, there were smiles as we moved about the room.