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但是,它背后确实有故事。But it does tell a tale.

他在我背后放我暗箭。He stabbed me in the back.

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我不赞成背后议论别人。I don't approve of gossip.

我的衣服在背后打结。My dress ties at the back.

没人喜欢背后中伤者。Nobody likes a backstabber.

他们在你背后谈论。They talk behind your back.

这些收获的背后是什么?What is behind these gains?

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这些蠢话的背后是什么呢?What’s beneath this nonsense?

在这株牡丹的叶子背后Behind the leaves of the peony

汤姆,请把你背后的门关起来。Close the door after you, Tom.

她的长发飘垂在背后。Her hair flowed down her back.

他让人从背后扎了一刀。He planted a knife in her back.

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门背后有个衣帽钉。There is a peg behind the door.

这背后还有什么其他原因吗?What other causes may there be?

这样的成功背后是什么?But what is behind this success?

汤姆,请把你背后的门关起来。Close the door behind you , Tom.

看见我背后有一只奇怪的动物。Isaw a strange animal behind me.

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带子两端在背后扣起来。The two ends buckle at the back.

你认为是谁在背后导致了这一切?Who do you think is behind that?

你真是一个背后老是说别人坏话的人。You're such a back-stabbing guy.