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被子植物分类系统介绍和评注。Dahlgren's system of classification of the angiosperms.

被子植物在植物区系的组成成分中占据绝对优势。Angiosperm predominates in the halophytes flora in Bohai-Bay.

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记忆它们的是被子植物和裸子植物等胚种。What recorded them were embryos of angiosperm and gymnosperm.

花是被子植物特有的繁殖器官。Flowers are reproductive structures that characterize angiosperms.

乌云组的植物化石组成和孢粉组合均以被子植物为主。Fossil plants of the Wuyun Formation are dominated by angiosperms.

其中真菌和蕨类各1种、裸子植物5种、被子植物153种。They include one fungus, one fern, 5 gymnosperms and 153 angiosperms.

松柏类植物以及被子植物的雄配子体即花粉粒。The male gametophytes of conifers and angiosperms are the POLLEN grains.

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在被子植物中种子被一个外加的层所包裹。In the angiosperm the seeds are wrapped in an additional layer of covering.

莲植物是被子植物中起源最早的种属之一。Lotus plant is the origin in angiosperm is the earliest kind belong to one of.

胚珠作为被子植物的有性生殖器官一直为植物学家所关注。As a sexual reproductive organ, ovules have received much attention by botanists.

后者这一说法,在当代被子植物胚胎学研究中获得了支持。This latter statement finds support in contemporary works on angiosperm embryology.

被子植物中单子叶植物475种,双子叶植物567种。In angiosperms there are 475 species of monocotyledon and 567 species of dicotyledon.

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核分裂过程与被子植物花粉母细胞的减数分裂是相似的。Nuclear division was the same as the meiotic of the pollen mother cell in angiosperm.

与被子植物相比,裸子植物花粉具有萌发时间长、花粉管生长缓慢等特点。As compared with angiosperm, pollen grains of gymnosperms germinate and growth slowly.

莲属植物是一种古老的植物,也是被子植物中起源最早的种属之一。Lotus, an ancient plant, is one of the earlier plant species derived from angiosperms.

被子植物雌、雄配子体的形成是世代交替的关键过程之一。Angiosperm female and male gametophyte formation is the key to the process of generational one.

在这一时期,被子植物逐渐成为了植物的主要类群,并一直延续到今天。During this time, flowering plants became the dominant plant group and continue to be so today.

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钙在被子植物双受精过程的作用一直是植物学家的兴趣热点。Functions of Calcium during fertilization of angiosperm is one of research focuses for botanists.

微形态学也给被子植物分类提供有价值的资料。Micromorphology also provided valuable information for the taxonomy of angiosperm classification.

但在被子植物中进入胚囊的两个精子则分别与卵和极核融合。But in angiosperms into the embryo sac in the two eggs and sperm, respectively, and a nuclear fusion.