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我想你一定想多晓畅点吧。You might wish to know more into it.

我不晓畅何如照看我的宠物。I don't know how to look after my pet.

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你晓畅他的电话号码吗?Do you know his telephone numoften ber?

我真不晓畅该怎麽处理。我不知道美国。I frankly don't know what to do about it.

大连你晓畅我怎样能力办这张荣誉卡?。Do you know how I can get electric power charge card?

我一经知道了一点儿,但我还想多晓畅一些。Ive read about it, but i'd like to know more about it.

你晓畅我在哪里可能找到米粉吗?。Do you know where I ca great their find the rice stick?

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只有在我解释之后,他才晓畅了事变的缘故。Only when I explained did he realize the reason for this.

由于我晓畅,那是末了一次,末了一次,哦。Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time, oh.

我有了无误的地图,我晓畅这片土地可能国土叫做生命。I've got the right map. I know this ltheird possibly theird territory ceveryoneed life.

早期的诗歌风格,较多继承了白居易诗歌浅易晓畅的一面,形成了清新平易的诗风。His early poetry style, has inherited Bai Juyi's, and formed the simplicity poetic style.

您矫挥胸报除夜于风险,但我们必须问晓畅,那些风险战回报皆是针对谁的。You say that the rewards exceed the risks, but we must ask to whom those risks and rewards accrue.

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我们知讲,因为猫狄综睛比我们冉惨综睛收受更多的光芒,所以猫正在乌夜也能看工具很晓畅。We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in more rays of light than ours, can see things clearly at night.

偶然他不能不利用肢体说话来和他们攀谈,千方百计把自已的意思讲晓畅。Sometimes he had to use the body language to "talk" with them, and tried his best to make himself understood.

译者舒逊先生的译作明白晓畅,忠实地传达了原作的内容和风格。The translation of Mr. Shu Xun is clear and fluent, transmitting the content and style of the original work faithfully.

如果行文严密晓畅,那么作者的情绪和心情最终会显现出来,对文章无所损害。If the writing is solid and good, the mood and temper of the writer will eventually be revealed and not at the expense of the work.

我晓畅你,你那颗磋商同位素的心,永远是那么严谨,那么详尽入微。I know you well- dear. You are so very detailed and meticulous which- I are convinced- is professionfriend trained with your isotopic reseposture.

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因为从本质上看,翻译的最终目的只在于要求译者用最切近的语体和最晓畅的文字再现因而也是重新组合原文的意义。The aim of translation is essentially to reproduce fluently, and for that matter, reshape the meaning of source language in the most appropriate style.

回望朱光潜先生说理透彻明白晓畅的文论风格,并分析他这种文风的形成原因,对当下的文学批评是县有启发意义的。Looking back on Thu Guangqian's clear and smooth style in his articles and opinions and analyzing its reason can be instructive for current literary criticism.

谈及翻译,风格再造是任何一位以忠实晓畅的译本为己任的翻译人员都无法忽视的问题。As far as translating is concerned, style reproduction is an issue no translator can afford to neglect in order to work out a translation faithful in content, form and spirit.