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冤案得到了昭雪。The wrong has been righted.

冤案终于得到了昭雪。At long last the wrong has been righted.

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现有的冤案不久将得到纠正。The existing injustices will soon be righted.

“俄木布事件”是后金统治者制造的冤案。The Emubu Event is an unjust case created by the rulers of Late Jin.

这事已经造成大冤案,那些人决不应该进监狱。A terrible wrong has been done. Those men should never gone to prison.

秋瑾死前没有供词是秋瑾冤案的一个焦点。Having no confession is a focus of Qiu Jins unjust case before her death.

这样一个明显的进球居然不算进,无疑是这届世界杯开赛以来的最大冤案!Without doubt, denying this clear goal is the biggest injustice in this World Cup.

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现在是推翻这个巨大冤案的时候了,因为真相正是完全相反。It's time to reverse that horribly wrong verdict, because the exact opposite is true.

六年监狱生活,安瓦尔大部分都是被单独关押,直到冤案平反。He spent six years in jail, mostly in solitary confinement, until his conviction was overturned.

这样的目的是减少冤案、更好地保护被告。The aim is to cut down on the number of miscarriages of justice and give defendants better protection.

认清这一点,有助于澄清我国文学史上的这桩冤案。This recognition will be helpful for clearing up the injustice of Yao Nai in Chinese literary history.

而马兴龙的冤案,公安法院对这一重要物证全都回避了。But Ma Xinglong the case of injustice, the public security court all avoided to this important matter witness.

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画上柏拉图坐在床脚,手里拿着一支笔,身旁放着一卷纸,他是这场城邦冤案的沉默的见证人。Plato sits at the foot of the bed, a pen and a scroll beside him, silent witness to the injustice of the state.

当年对邵荃麟的批判是“左”倾路线下,为了政治文化斗争中的需要,炮制的一起冤案。Actually it is a typical case of political persecution on the intellectuals for the purpose of political struggle under the left leaning line.

直诉制度属于古代冤案救济制度的一种,它是一种与古代法定的复审复转制度相区别的一种非正常程序的上诉制度。As one of the means of ancient injustices relief system, Zhisu was not an ordinary appeal procedure, differing from the official retrial system.

司法单位已经表示至少有30名军方人员与这起冤案有关,而他们将接受军事和司法单位的调查。Judicial authorities have said that almost 30 military personal involved in Chiang's case would be investigated by both the military and the judiciary.

这起有关1997年空军士兵江国庆惨遭误判并枪决的冤案调查依然在春节前的最后一个周末里如火如荼地进行著。The investigation into the wrongful 1997 execution of R. O. C. Air Force officer Chiang Kuo-ching intensified in the last weekend before Chinese New Year.

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此外,还应该看到,上个世纪50年代党内“左”倾思想的影响和官僚主义的工作作风都导致了这一冤案的出现。In addition, it should be noted that, in the last century 50's, the party "left" thinking and bureaucratic style of work have led to the emergence of this injustice.

以期达到既避免律师冤案又能提高刑事辩护律师办案的积极性。Thus, we can solve the current problem of the frequently-occurring and ill-intentioned punishment of criminal lawyer and upgrade their initiative for criminal cases.

埃罗尔·莫里斯对一桩定罪为谋杀的冤案的富于创新性的调查帮助一个清白的男人平反出狱,也使罪案现场重构成为电影常用的表现手法。Errol Morris'groundbreaking investigation into a wrongful murder conviction helped free aninnocent man from prison and popularised crime reconstruction as a film device.