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何等的来源——“神”!What a source--"God!"

她是个何等逗人喜欢的孩子啊!Isn't she a cute baby!

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这是一个何等有趣儿的故事啊!How interesting a story it is!

何等的导管——“基督耶稣”!What a channel--"Christ Jesus!"

我们彼此之间是何等的封闭。We are so closed to one another!

你凝望着的是何等的空虚!What emptiness do you gaze upon!

在何种铁砧上?以何等可怖的抓擢?What the anvil? What dread grasp?

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你也可以看出我们是处于何等的地位。You see on what a footing we are.

你的书何等有趣儿啊!What an interesting book you have!

你知道他是何等人物?Weiss du was für eine Person er ist?

那么那些增长缓慢的富裕国家又是何等景致呢?What about the slow-growth rich world?

当对神说,你的作为何等可畏。Say to God, 'How awesome are your deeds!

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它们暗示了痛苦的何等深度?What depths of anguish do they intimate?

啊,老是这样人的生活将变患上何等寡味无聊!ah, how unrelieved boring life would be!

这尊大佛是何等的崔嵬。This figure of the Buddha is really high.

若完全地顺服上帝,这福份将是何等地大!To full obedience how large the blessing!

你创造世人,要使他们归何等的虚空呢?For what futility you have created all men!

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人比羊何等贵重呢。How much then is a man better than a sheep?

水獭在这里过着何等僻隐的生活啊!How retired the otter manages to live here!

何等的宽厚大度又和蔼仁慈啊!How kind and magnanimous Li Hongzhi sounded!