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运行它。Run it.

还不能运行。Do not run yet.

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运行店子!Run a sub shop!

重新运行此测试。Rerun this test.

运行效用。Run the utility.

它能运行孤岛危机么?。Can it run Crysis?

让我们再运行一次。Let's run it again.

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我们再运行一次。We'll run it again.

什么是运行级?What is a runlevel?

让我们运行一下。And let's let it rip.

现在如果我们运行一下。And now if we run it.

貌似运行良好。It seems to run okay.

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像对象一样运行。Behave like an object.

让我运行下这个程序。So let me just run it.

运行端到端测试。Run an end-to-end test.

接下来,我们运行客户端。Next, we run the client.

取消正在运行的流。Canceling a running flow.

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我们正在环绕月球运行。We are orbiting the moon.

我运行下test,bi试试,喔!We'll run test bi. Whoops!

似乎就是那么运行。CroV seems to do just that.