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我个人是站在支持幻想的阵营这一边的。I personally am on the pro-fantasy camp.

寇德无阵营风暴,强壮,战斗。Kord Unaligned Storms, strength, battle.

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最近越来越多的人加入了唱衰中国的阵营。More recently the chorus has been growing.

鸦后无阵营死亡,命运,冬季。Raven Queen Unaligned Death, fate, winter.

阵营订了停火的协定。The two camps made a bargain to cease fire.

我们在那儿创建一个自由主义阵营。We'll create a libertarian corner over here.

反对阵营反驳说这是“哑巴”网络。The opposing camp argued for “dumb” networks.

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增加了一个“获得1000第纳尔”的阵营作弊菜单。Added a "gain 1000 denars" in camp cheat menu.

刀锋怪玩家可以成为任何非混乱阵营。Bladeling PCs may be any non-chaotic alignment.

时事移易,反对派分裂为两大阵营。Over time, the opposition split into two camps.

瑟哈涅无阵营欺骗,月亮,爱,秋季。Sehanine Unaligned Trickery, moon, love, autumn.

web标准阵营看起来是左翼的。The web standards camp seems kind of Trotskyist.

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当大家都站在同一阵营讨论一件事的时候,When they're on a row of talking about something

这项政策得到了反核阵营的支持。This is the policy favoured by tha antinuclear camp.

不过,现在,两大阵营已经分裂。Still, for now, the two camps are about an even split.

另一个阵营方面却没有相应的姿态。There were no comparable gestures from the other side.

可是如果你是无阵营的话,你可以待奉任何神。However, if you are unaligned, you can serve any deity.

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分化论阵营的论据似乎更有说服力。The divergence camp seems to have the better arguments.

西方的中国评论家们分为两个阵营。Western commentators on China fall into two main camps.

他在使用法术的阵营上没有限制。He does not have restrictions on spells with alignments.