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但纯兔毛纱强力较小,可用涤丝包芯方式采加固。But the tenacity of pure rabbit hair yarn is low.

陈国华。环境湿度对兔毛纤维摩擦性能的影响。Influence of environmental humidity on friction properties of rabbit hair.

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还有黑色兔毛,黑色的价格相对便宜,一般在3到12元。There is a black rabbit, black is relatively cheap, and generally 3-12 yuan.

经过等离子体处理兔毛纤维的卷曲度得到提高,兔毛纤维的强度基本不变。The fiber's crimp degree was improved and its strength was substantially retained.

添加颓废顶层到您的卡尔多诺霍的灰褐色兔毛背心下降看看。Add a decadent top layer to your fall look with Karl Donoghue's taupe rabbit fur gilet.

本文分析了ES纤维对兔毛的粘合效果和作用机理。The paper analyzes the effects and the mechanism bonding rabbit hair web with ES fiber.

多快呀!蜗牛的壳里像是灌满了风,这使他几乎拉不住兔毛。So fast! It seems winds are filled in the shell, which makes him nearly let go the hair.

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兔毛雪兰毛混纺产品比雪兰毛产品有较柔软的手感及良好的经济效益。The blend fabric of rabbit hair and Shetland wool feels soft and brings better economic benefits.

研究了用低温等离子体对兔毛纤维处理后兔毛纤维的染色性能。Dyeing performance of rabbit hair treated with low temperature plasma is researched in this article.

一般在兔毛纤维横截面上正副皮质不呈双边分布。In general, the distribution of ortho- and para-cortex is not bilateral in cross section of the rabbit hair.

羊绒呢、兔毛呢、制服呢、粗花呢、维罗呢以及各大类服装面料。Including cashmere , rabbit hair, uniform cloth, costume tweed and velvet as well as various woollen fabrics.

本研究在保证兔毛风格前题下,找到了解决掉毛问题的关键,并分析了兔毛掉落的机理和防止掉毛的重要因素。On the basis of keeping rabbit hair style, the key to solve rabbit hair loss has been presented in this paper.

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鞣制或硝制兔毛皮,有或无头、尾或足掌之整张皮,未拼组者。Tanned or dressed furskins of rabbit or hare, whole skins, with or without head , tail or paws, not assembled.

羊驼毛、马海毛、安哥拉兔毛可纺性能较差,多用于开发粗纺产品。Alpaca, Mohair and Angora rabbit hair were mostly used in rough products because of their poor spinning property.

今天早上我在我的床上找到了那个。如果那只兔子还是那么不知检点,那他的下场将是变为一双兔毛拖鞋。I found THAT in my bed this morning. If that rabbit's not careful, he's going to end up as a pair of bunny slippers.

作者用国产单纤维电子强力仪对兔毛、澳毛和国毛进行一次拉伸试验。The strength of rabbit hair and Australian wool was measured in one-process by means of the domestic-made single fibre strength tester.

分析认为,采用ES纤维与兔毛纤维混合加工热熔絮片是可行的。By analyses, the writer thinks it is possible that producing the heat-bonded wadding used comprised material of rabbit hair and ES fiber.

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本文分析了几种测定兔毛纤维含量方法在理论上或应用过程中需注意的问题。The problems existed in the several testing methods of rabbit fiber contents, which are notable on theory and applying process, are analysed.

简要论述了我国兔毛产业在国民经济中的地位,以及在我国外贸出口创汇中的作用。The status and function of Chinese rabbit hair industry in the national economy and foreign trade export were illustrated briefly in this paper.

采用天然高聚物作为固着剂,在微波场中对兔毛纤维与丝胶进行改性处理。The properties of rabbit hair were changed by the means of modification of sericin with the fixation of natural polymer in the field of microwave.