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枪上发现的指纹被用来判明她有罪。The fingerprints found on the gun were used to convict her.

他在一棵树下面停了下来,以便判明自己的方位。He pauses a moment at the foot of a tree to take his bearings.

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判明案件性质是刑事侦查的一项重要任务。Ascertaining case quality is an important job of criminal investigation.

通过这种方法来判明真伪还远远达不到万无一失的程度,但它提供了一个不错的方向。Detecting phoniness this way is far from fail-safe, but it is a good guide.

警察出于自卫而枪击逃犯的行为被判明无罪。The Constable was justified in shooting an escaped criminal in self-defence.

要关注猫叫声的大小和速率来判明猫的心情。Figure out kitty’s mood by paying attention to the speed and volume of his mewling.

问题是,如果完全无法判明我们所遭遇的外星文明的来访意图,该怎么办?What if we encounter an alien civilization whose intentions are completely baffling?

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天色渐亮以后,在“胡德”号上可以判明敌舰正在西北十七哩的海域。In the Hood as day was dawning the enemy was discerned seventeen miles to the northwest.

我已判明了六个能够在今后若干年内指导我们开展工作方法的问题。I have identified six issues that can guide the way we approach our work in the coming years.

在非累积的情况下,判明理论的经验新奇性协调力和经验一致性协调力是完全可行的。In condition of non-accumulation, it is feasible to judge empirical identity and empirical newness.

但是,首先,让我们来看看在您开始契约时可能用来判明客户的业务的一览图。But first, let's take a look at a general map you might use to locate the client's business at you begin your engagement.

它们看上去颜色不同,是因为我们的大脑是依据周围的颜色进行比较再判明色彩的。The reason they look different colors is because our brain judges the color of an object by comparing it to surrounding colors.

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欲判明先秦文献中所记载的“河图”、“洛书”是否点阵之图,首先应求于先秦文献中有关“河图”、“洛书”的原始记载。We should check the original documents of Pre-Qin period to distinguish whether "Hetu" and "Luoshu" are lattice diagram or not.

推理是判明案件性质的主要思维形式,它包括必然推理和或然推理。Inference , which includes apodictic inference and probable inference, is the chief thought pattern of ascertaining case quality.

这一方针注意发展中国家的现实条件,判明塑造现实的各种因素,然后超越这些因素。It looks at the reality of conditions in the developing world, identifies the forces that shape the reality, and then outsmarts them.

他没有转过头来,没有望见那些只凭马蹄声和谈话声就能判明已经向他驰近、停止前进的人们。He did not turn his head and did not see the men who, judging from the voices and the thud of hoofs, had ridden up to him and stopped.

市场投资者正试图判明上周的回落是上涨趋势中的短暂回落,或着预示更大的下跌。Market participants are trying to determine if last week's pullback was a temporary dip on the way up, or a sign of more weakness to come.

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当在上述第一测定工序中判明了在上述导电体膜上存在断线部位时,在该断线部位上形成修补用的导电体。If the conductor layer has a disconnected portion in the first measurement step, a repairing conductor is formed on the disconnected portion.

判明中国女排失利的原因是进攻战术单调、发球及扣球质量均弱于日本队。The Chinese Women Volleyball Team's loss of the game was due to the dullness of the attacking tactics and the low quality of serving and smashing the ball.

对主根总长度的动态变化用指数曲线加以逼近,准确地判明各基因型的生根特点。The dynamic changes of sum of the length of main roots was approached by index curve, which could distinguish the rooting characteristics of various genotypes.