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想想我们干涸的大西北,请珍惜每一滴水。Think of dry northwest of China, please save water.

我们是一家制造商和出口商的服装在大西北。We are a manufacturer of garment in northwest China.

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在中国,离大海最远的地方是大西北。Be in China, farthermost from the sea place is big northwest.

他长年累月在大西北从事野外工作。Year in year out he has been doing fieldwork in the Northwest.

你的口音表明你是从大西北来的。Your accent proclaims that you are from Northwest part of China.

我们是一家制造商和出口商的服装在大西北。We are a manufacturer and exporter of garment in northwest China.

这个“蓝色的海洋”是大西北阳刚之气中,一抹难得的柔婉色彩。This Blue Seais a scarce soft color among northwestern masculine sights.

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希望大西北孩子的生活逐步改善,被关爱,过个快乐童年。I hope the children in Northwest China could have happy childhood and their life could be better.

湟水流域是带动青海经济腾飞的重要地带,在我国大西北开发中起着“强东拓西”的作用。Huangshui Watershed is the most important zone to promote the quick development of Qinhai economy.

他以现代化手段开发大西北的构想,产生了深远的历史影响。His visualization of developing the northwest by modernized means exercised far-reaching influence.

在这大西北的山区里,有些人住在2700米高的山顶上。In this northwestern mountain region, some people live on the top of the 2700 meter of high mountains.

罗晓冬出生于大西北,和许多艺术家一样,有着学院派的背景。Luo Xiaodong, born in northwest China, like many other artists, has a background of academic education.

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我厂专业技术力量雄厚,生产设备先进,产品行销东北、华北、大西北。I plant strong technical force, advanced production equipment, product marketing, northeast, north, northwest.

张家口市因地处北京与大西北、内蒙的交通要冲,地势险要,历来为兵家必争之地。Because of northwest of Beijing and in zhangjiakou, Inner Mongolia, the traffic is very dangerous, always terrain which.

西安将担负起引领大关中,辐射大西北的重任,成为新一轮西部大开发的先锋。Xi an will lead the Greater Guanzhong Plains and even the Northwest Region in the conuntry s new wave of western development.

作为连接大西北的重要枢纽,甘肃省在我国公路交通网络中占有重要位置。As an important connecting in northwest, Gansu province occupies an important position in road traffic network of our country.

大西北地区地域最为宽阔,西南地区人口最为众多,东部沿海地区最为富庶。Most areas in northwest China wider population of the Southwest region most numerous, the most affluent eastern coastal areas.

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生长在风沙未见的大西北,心如蓝天,情如汨汨黄河水。Growth great northwest which has not seen in the sandstorm, the heart like blue sky, the sentiment like gurgles the Yellow River water.

那么,我们多么盼望您能够了解和关心荒漠化治理这一项功在千秋、造福华夏子孙的事业,关心这项事业在祖国大西北千里陇原的开展。We really hope you could learn more and show your concern on the desertification control undertaking in Northwest China's Gansu Province.

西合铁路建成通车,形成了开发中的大西北与富庶的长江三角洲最便捷的通道。Xihe railway was open to traffic, becoming the most convenient path between developing northwest region and the productive Yangtze Delta.