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他硬着头皮回到家里。He bite the bullet and back home.

他硬着头皮决定去试试。He had come to a desperate decision.

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你只能硬着头皮做那事儿了。You simply have to bite the bullet and do it.

我们人手不够,人人都在硬着头皮干。We're short- staffed and everybody is under the gun.

但是,我已经答应女儿了,只好硬着头皮开车去到那里。Still, I had promised, and reluctantly I drove there.

我只有横下一条心,硬着头皮上了。I only horizontal under a heart, crustily skin of head.

我们硬着头皮听了一通不要浪费钱的大道理。We have to listen to a long sermon about not wasting money.

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接下来的一个星期,我硬着头皮告诉了几个人。The following week, I bite the bullet, and tell a few people.

她拧着双手,后来硬着头皮冲过马路去。She twisted her hands together, then drove herself on across the road.

既然已经无法全身而退了,我也只好硬着头皮参加了。Since you have not retreats, I also have to bite the bullet and joined in.

但终于硬着头皮,走到左边的一坐坟前,放下了篮子。But at last she still walked to another tomb on the left and put down her basket.

今天我硬着头皮跟女儿说其实WWE格斗也是分级的。Today, I had to be the one to break it to my daughter that WWE fighting was staged.

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当然,我不想做一个扫兴的人,而且我喜欢植物,所以我还是硬着头皮点了“接受”。But I didn't want to be a killjoy —and I love plants —so I went ahead and clicked "Accept."

年轻的将领微微犹豫,随后硬着头皮领命下城。Youngly willing get is tiny hesitant, later on crustily the rind of head receive orders city.

领导既然安排我当老师我只好硬着头皮尽自己最大的努力边学边教。Leadership since arrangement me when I had to bite the bullet and try my best to learn while teaching.

薛潘到最后还是硬着头皮下楼来和帕默打招呼,这时,他接到了来自那位国防部官员的电话。When Chappelle finally comes down to greet Palmer, he receives a phone call from the Defense official.

为了房子的事,宝莉欲找国栋帮忙,便硬着头皮去了学武的机械厂。In order to house, treasure to find Guodong help, machinery factory will bite the bullet and go to dtudy.

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但是俺们老板都开口了,大鸟也只有硬着头皮往上冲。But our boss started to talk, curassow also has upgrade of toughen one's scalp-brace oneself to rush only.

无奈,照妖镜只有硬着头皮,一手托着炸弹来到阵前。Helpless, shine on a demon mirror to only have crustily skin of head, skill hold bomb to arrive at before.

我今无邪的浑如去海边,但是我患上硬着头皮呆在家里进修筹办期末考试。I really want to go to the beach today, but I have to bite the bullet and stay home to study for my finals.