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这样的比喻是什么含义?What does this simile mean?

我打赌这句话的含义你一定也知道。I bet you know this one, too.

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婚姻有很多种含义。Marriage has too many meanings.

她的话有深一层的含义。Her words have an inner meaning.

所以这就是适用性的含义。So this is what I call suitable.

G全称的含义是成功的马球运动。Victory horse polo game V. H. P.

请注意“替换”这个措词的含义。Note the use of the word replace.

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这就是“震龙”一名的含义。This is the "Zhenlong" a meaning.

上述内容的含义是什么?What are the implications of this?

对该裁决的含义,众说纷纭。As to what it means, opinions vary.

这些信息表示哪些含义?What does this information signify?

标志中的每个部分都有其含义。Each part of the logo has a meaning.

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现在我们就知道了通量的含义。OK, so now, we know what flux means.

丹尼斯知道它的深刻含义。Dennis knew what this would all mean.

那篇文章的含义很深。The article implies profound meaning.

“协作”这个概念的含义非常广泛。The term collaboration is very broad.

这个隐喻的含义是什么?What is the meaning of this metaphor?

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幸福的含义怎能那么浅薄?Meanings of happiness won’t so flimsy.

这句话含义深刻。This remark has profound implications.

真与假含义完全相同。True and Fisse have opposite meanings.