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本文主文分为五章。The paper includes five chapters.

本文主文分为四个局部。The main paper is divided into four parts.

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主文共分为五个部分。The main body is divided into five chapters.

本文包括前言、主文和结论。The dissertation includes preface, text and epilogue.

毫无疑问,法院将继续依靠宪法的主文。No doubt the courts will continue to rely heavily on the constitutional text.

本文由前言、主文、和结论组成,主文分五部分。The thesis consists of introduction, conclusion and body which contain 5 parts.

如果未安装该主文件集,需要在继续之前进行安装。If the master fileset is not installed, you will need to install it before continuing.

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全文由引言、主文和结论组成,主文共分四章。The full paper consists of three parts, as the preface, the main body and the conclusion.

稍长的引文应当缩进,并以间隔一行的距离与主文加以…Longer citations should be indented and single-spaced set them apart from the rest of your paragraph.

次日志文件扩展由队列管理器在主文件耗尽的情况下动态分配。Secondary log file extents are allocated dynamically by the queue manager when the primary files are exhausted.

税收法定主文是现代民主原则和法治原则在税收关系上的集中体现。Legality of tax revenue embodies centralizedly the principles of modern democracy and legality in the relationship of tax revenue.

合议庭少数意见是未被判决主文采纳的判决理由,理论上具有可公开性。Theoretically, the minority opinions, which are not the verdict reasons adopted by the full court, can be made open to the public.

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其中主文包括五章,主要运用法哲学、比较法、历史的研究方法。The main part contains five chapters, and research methods include legal philosophy, historical method and comparative jurisprudence.

信的主文接在问候语之后,里面是给读信者的讯息与问题,每一个新的段落或想法的开始要缩进去几个空格。The main body of the letter follows the greeting. It contains the information and questions for the reader. Indent each new paragraph or thought.

对于不受理之申诉案件亦应作成评议书,惟其内容只列主文和理由。A resolution document should be composed even if an appeal has been dismissed, but the document should only list the main text and the reasons for dismissal.

一般认为只有判决主文中的判断具有既判力,而判决理由中的判断没有既判力。Generally it's accepted that only the judgment in the text of adjudicate has res judicata, while the judgment in the reason for adjudicate binds neither no one nor nothing.