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不知道如何掩饰的人不能为政。He who knows not how to dissimulate, can not reign.

因此,儒家始终劝勉统治者为政施仁。Thus, Confucianism is always exhorted the ruler who governs Ren Shi.

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而且我相信我们的作为将无愧于那些投票支持我们前来为政的人民。And I believe we can do it in a way worthy of those who sent us here to serve.

这是为政的最重要秘诀,却几乎始终被忽视,直到革命的那一天到来。This is the great secret of government that is mostly ignored until revolution day arrives.

民主党的许多成员在担任重要的政府职务后,都需要有一个摸索为政门道的过程。Many of its members will have to learn the ropes as they take powerful government positions.

由于为政清廉正直,卡钦斯基在国内外都享有很高的声望,深得本国百姓爱戴。A clean and upright president, Kaczynski enjoyed great popularity within and outside the country.

泰勒相信蒋介石本人为政清廉,而且他深知贪腐对国民党的毒害。Personally incorruptible, Mr Taylor believes, he also understood the damage that graft did to the KMT.

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他为人侠义宽厚,为政勤谨有谋,是太原孙氏的开山鼻祖。He had a chivalrous generosity, diligent and prudent for the government, was Taiyuan sunshi's pedigree.

孔子“施及有政是亦为政”的理念在两汉太学得以实现。Confucius "facilities and there is also a political government" is a reality in the Han Imperial College.

源远流长的忧患意识,滋养着中国传统仕人的心灵大地,促成了其治道精神和为政规范的形成。Crisis consciousness of Chinese traditional politicians led to the formation of their ideals and their political norms.

“予之为取”是管仲的为政原则,对实现齐国霸业起了重要作用。" Giving for Getting" is Guan Zhong s political principle which plays an important role in Qi state accomplishing hegemony.

所以如果斯里兰卡政府为政不智,民众会认为猛虎组织的许多领袖是为了分离的家乡壮烈牺牲的殉道者。So if the government does not act wisely, Tiger leaders might come to be seen as martyrs to the cause of a separate homeland.

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最近在研究公房纠纷,相关的法律几乎没有,政策又是多如牛毛,各地为政。I am researching public house disputes recently, there almost no relevant law but the policies of different region are overwhelming and not the same.

孝道思想是儒家文化中的核心观念,内容广泛深刻,概括起来有孝养父母以敬、宗族繁衍为重、孝为政道基础等方面。It has deep and extensive contents that reflect itself in the respecting of parents, the continuation of family, and filial piety as the political base.

通过为政券的发行和贸易提供中心市场,股票交易所长期为政府、工业以及投资商的需要服务。The stock exchange has long served he needs of government industry and investors in providing the central market place for the issuing and trading of securities.

总统和议员若秉着共同事业之理念携手合作,定能面对这些挑战,并无愧于选他们去华盛顿为政的选民们。By working together in a spirit of common cause, the President and members of Congress can face these challenges in a way worthy of the voters who sent them to Washington.

其二,指人伦关系中发生的事务、事情,如侍奉父母、为政治国等,这个意义上的“物”相当于“事”。Second, it covers interpersonal matters and activities such as taking care of one's parents, entering politics, ormanaging state affairs. In this sense, wu means "matter."

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他为人正直,忠诚坦荡,为政无私,豪侠仗义,在朝廷享有很高威望,并甚得皇上恩宠,在宋史上发挥重要作用。He was upright, loyal, unselfish, outspoken and straightforward. So he got the emperor's trust, enjoyed high prestige, and played an active part in the Northern Song Dynasty.

在中国传统政治文化理念中,为学与为政是统一的,但当不能弘道及要坚持士人气节之时,隐逸就是一种必然选择。In Chinese traditional political culture conception, for study with for the politics was unified, but when persisting the gentleman's moral courage, seclusion was an inevitable choice.

孔子重视为政者的自身修养,并为当政者提供了为政的准则以及一些施政的具体措施,还为之提供了乱世处世的原则。Confucius attached so much importance to the self-cultivation of governors. Meanwhile, He put forward some criteria for governance and specific measures for living in disordered period.