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你可以身着戏服,或者休闲装,随天气制宜。You can come in costume, or dress casually, according to the weather.

技术路线要体现结果可靠、因事制宜、以简代繁的原则。The principles of technical design should be reliable, flexible and simple.

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经验和政策相结合,因事制宜的建议更重要。It is more important to obtain suggestions which are suitable for you combining policy and experience.

治则治法学说系统蕴含了调整阴阳、扶正祛邪、标本缓急、三因制宜分系统。Cause of diseases and pathogenesis systems contains the subsystems of pathogenic factors and pathogenesis theory.

我们应该执行计划同因事制宜的原则相结合的政策。We should carry out the policy of integrating unified planning with the principle of adaptation to local conditions.

从体质角度对“三因制宜”的实质进行了探讨。From the viewpoint of constitution, the essence of 'treatment chosen according to climate, locality and individual is studied.

我们做任何事都要因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜。In everything we do , we must suit our measures to different conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and people concerned.

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开发和推广洁净煤技术必须因煤制宜,煤质研究是其基础。Development of clean coal technology should be based on coal characteristics which is a starting point of all clean coal technologies.

并结合我国国情,提出了应地制宜地制定限磷、禁磷政策的建议。In connection with China's national situation, to propose the strategic recommendation of establishing limitation and prohibition of phosphorus.

作为煤炭生产大国,就煤取材,因煤制宜地发展溶剂精炼煤工业具有很大潜力。As a large coal-production country, it has great potentialities to develop coal solvent refining industry based on coal materials and characteristics.

传统上,飞机为迎合银行和租赁公司会做一些改变,但此次波音在“因客制宜”方面也做出了一些限制。Boeing purposely limited the extent that carriers could customize the new plane in order to appeal to banks and leasing companies that are behind many purchases.

何况礼仪是因地、因时而制宜的,岂能以不同种族、文化、习俗,而迳自分别?What is more, the rules of etiquette are set in accord with the time and situation. Why should we discriminate on the basis of differences of race, culture, and customs?

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对此,遵循“因质制宜”的原则,针对不同的体质类型制定相应的调质预防方案。Therefore , based on different constitutions , we laid down corresponding strategies which complied with TCM principals to adjust the constitutions and prevent pneumonia.

海潮坝面板堆石坝在施工中调地制宜采用堆石料洞室爆破,级配符合设计要求。During the construction of decked rockfill dam for Haichaoba Reservoir, chamber blasting was applied with local conditions, and the graduation agreed with thc design requirements.

大学制度变革的价值博弈过程,从理性角度看,是这四种本位间因时、因地、因校制宜的合力。On the perspective of rationality, the value game process of the change of university system is the resultant forces within the time, place and institute, from the four standards.

百色地区国有林场因地制宜,因场制宜,采取多种形式,有规划、有措施地发展职工自营经济,取得了明显效果。State Forestry Center of Baise District adjusts measures to local conditions, takes multiplicate forms, develops workers seif-supporting economy following the plan and gains a manifest effect.

地方弱势高校应因校制宜、循序渐进,努力推进双语教学实践的健康发展。Weak universities should suit their measures to differing conditions in terms of locality, specialties and persons involved in order to carry on the practice of bilingual teaching step by step.

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在这些戏剧文本中莎翁阐释了君主要以国家利益至上、要有随时制宜的道德准则的君主思想。And what's more, in the plays his conceptions on Monarchs who should take their nation's interests as paramountcy and should possess the moral criteria of the pragmatic are apparently presented.

如何根据地区实际情况,囚地制宜地制定产业集群战略,选用恰当的发展模式,成为区域经济研究的关键问题。In accordance with actual conditions, making rational development strategy of industrial cluster, selecting appropriate develop model is to be a crucial issues of the study of regional economic.