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他办事四平八稳。He is dependable in work.

这一次,他那四平八稳的气质遭到了破坏。For once his even temper was disturbed.

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椅子要保持四脚着地,四平八稳。Chairs should remain squarely on the floor.

蒲柏总是四平八稳、始终如一、温文尔雅。Pope is always smooth, uniform, and gentle.

她做起事来几乎都是四平八稳的。She does almost everything on an even keel.

还有比这更有教养、更四平八稳的吗?What could BE more civilized, more eminently sane?

好像大钟一样,四平八稳,不动不摇。Sit firm and steady like a large bell, not swaying or moving.

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扶手和柱脚应四平八稳。Armrest and suspension column should lacking in initiative and overcautious.

呵,别这么四平八稳地说话嘛,我真没见过哪个人这么没有感情的。Oh, don't speak in that practical way. I never knew anyone so unsentimental.

如果你根本不愿冒险,总是求四平八稳,你就不会获得得很大成功。If you are never willing to chance your arm, but always play for safety, you will not very far.

但是,只要生命的分布式之手仍占主导地位,它就能保持地球的化学物质脱离四平八稳的状态。But as long as the distributed hand of life dominates, it will keep the chemicals of Earth off key.

四平八稳的家具在今年看来,已经“土得掉渣”。The furniture of lacking in initiative and overcautious looks this year, already " earth must drop broken bits ".

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我也知道我可以打印出来作为参考和检查本想拖我走,我可以保持四平八稳。I also know that I can print this out as a reference and check things off as I go along so I can keep well-organized.

平“有高低相等,不相上下之意,同时又有征服稳定的含义,平结象征富贵平安,四平八稳平步清云等。Flat means same height, equal and stable as well. Flat knot symbolizes one will rich and safe and rapidly go up in the world.

现在已经谣言四起,而今天报上刊载的史汀生发表的那种四平八稳、小心谨慎的谈话,更是推波助澜。Rumour runs riot, and is fed by carefully balanced and guarded statements, such as that made by Stimson reported in today's papers.

摒弃四平八稳,鼓吹天趣盎然,创造自己独特的艺术风格,是刘阳先生不懈的追求。To shake off the well-organized, to advocate the beauty of nature and to create art styles of his own represent the contents of Mr.

更不能认为平衡是一团和气、四平八稳、循序渐进、不要对抗、不要抗争。Moreover, we cannot just think that balance is harmony, stability, proceeding in an orderly and gradual way, no confrontation, and no conflict.

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在四平八稳的视觉上,做个小小的失序,就像人偶尔流露出的不安定气质,那种魅力,都是叫人难以抗拒的。Make a slight missequence in the balanced sights seems like people occasionally have an instable temperament whose charm is the most irresistible.

在我们想去控制自然环境的无尽期努力中,我们已四平八稳地上了路,可指望用我们自己所设计的人为环势来取代自然环境。We are well on the way, in our timeless effort to bring the natural environment under control, to replacing it by artificial environment of out own contriving.

就是看他在大庭广众上的讲话,比如说,开会发言,他弄一个稿子四平八稳念一通,都是八股调,你说老百姓会说他有水平吗?People just watch his speech in the public. Try to imagine if he just reads a rigid and lifeless article on the meeting would you assume he is good at speaking?