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敌人营垒四分五裂。The enemy camp is disintegrating.

然后用神话语的宝剑攻破这些营垒。God and pull down the strongholds.

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这是国民党营垒的破裂。It marked a split within the Kuomintang camp.

这一卖国贼营垒是中国人民的死敌。The traitors were spat on and cursed by the people.

这些说明敌人营垒已出现了分裂。These indicated that splits had occurred in the enemy camp.

这一卖国贼营垒是中国人民的死敌。This camp of traitors are deadly enemies of the Chinese people.

现在我们来说中国民族革命营垒里的情形。Now let us discuss the situation in the camp of China's national revolution.

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祷告神会打破中国迫害及腐败的坚固营垒。Pray that God will break the stronghold of persecution and corruption in China.

经过一场短兵相接的激烈战斗,所有敌军营垒全被摧毁了。After bitter hand-to-hand combat, the enemy military camps were entirely destroyed.

对于反动营垒中可能分化出来的人物,要争取他们,教育他们,帮助他们。Those who can be split off from the enemy camp should be won over, educated and helped.

神的话可以击碎任何营垒,可以砍断任何锁链,可以暴露任何谎言。The Word of God can smash any stronghold, it can break any chain, and it can uncover any lie.

不用说,玛丽内拉给了这位求婚者一张通往婚礼路上的“通行证”,还有她的祝福,一下子就跑到“敌人”的营垒里去了。Needless to say, Marianela gave the suitor a pass and her blessing, going over to the enemy's camp.

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第三,宪法改革导致查维斯营垒中发生了专制和民主的分歧。Third, the constitutional reform opened up a fissure between authoritarians and democrats in the chavista camp.

佛教在当地已形成一个坚固营垒,这大部分是根源于巫术及异端的古老传统。Buddhism has a stronghold in Mongolia. Much of this is rooted in ancient traditions of witchcraft and the occult.

一对同胞兄弟站在敌对营垒相互斗争的故事给我留下了不可磨灭的印像。One story that has clung to my memory concerns two brothers who fought each other on opposite sides of the lines.

敌人是不足惧的,最可怕的是自己营垒里的蛀虫,许多事情都败在他们手。In 30, the enemy is not worth dread, the most terrible is his camp in the moths, many things are lost in their hands.

祷告万军之耶和华摧毁、推翻伊斯兰的坚固营垒、操弄及自私的野心。Pray for the strongholds of Islam, manipulation, and selfish ambition to be torn down and demolished by the Lord of Hosts.

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凡是敌人将帅轻浮、营垒低矮、军心动摇的,就可以进攻它。When the general is arrogant and obnoxious, the fortifications are low, and the troop's minds unstable, they can be attacked.

马占山在东三省的抗日行为,也是统治者营垒中的一个分裂。The anti-Japanese operations of Ma Chan-shan in the three northeastern provinces represented another split in the ruling class camp.

在中国半个多世纪的风云际会中,他始终站在爱国、民主、进步的营垒一边。Over half of century of the international vicissitudes in China, he always stood by the side of patriotic, democratic, progressive camp.