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我们小时候常一起玩泥饽饽。We used to make mud pies when we were little.

我们这里有贴玉米饼、小米粥和菜饽饽。We have maize cake, millet gruel and vegetable pastry.

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在过去母亲的高粱面饽饽,我一顿可以吃一大个呢!In the past the mother's face sorghum cake, I can eat a big meal of it!

它是在宫廷点心“猪油饽饽”的基础上改制的。It is a dim sum palace in the "lard cake" on the basis of the restructuring.

吃的是冻成了冰块的玉米面饽饽夹咸菜,就着雪吃下去。Our food was frozen corn bread with salted vegetables, and snow was our drink.

找来些糠、草籽之类做成的饽饽,每人吃一个。Breads were made with bran and grass roots found in the field for us to eat, one each.

按照旧的习惯要破五吃“水饺子”五日,北方叫“煮饽饽”。According to the old habits to eat "jiaozi" water break five 5, the north called "cooking properties.

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此外,还有水点心等叫法,清代北京旗人还把饺子称作“煮饽饽”。Some also call it water dim sum. In the Qing Dynasty, Manchus in Beijing called dumplings "boiled cake".

清朝时,出现了诸如“饺儿”、“水点心”、“煮饽饽”等有关饺子的新的称谓。When Qing Dynasty , Arise "Jiao ", "Water light refreshments ", "Boil bun "And so on the fresh appellation of relevant dumpling.

自从虎妞搬来,什么卖羊头肉的,熏鱼的,硬面饽饽的,卤煮炸豆腐的,也在门前吆喊两声。After Tigress moved in, others selling more expensive wares such as sheep's head , smoked fish, buns and fried beancurd in spiced sauce also came to call outside the gate.