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它已经被埋藏了起来They were buried.

埋藏一粒种子。Imbed a seed in it.

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那狗把骨头埋藏了。The dog is burying a bone.

我在寻找埋藏的宝物!I'm looking for buried treasure!

根须在积雪下半显露半埋藏And roots half hidden under snows

把死亡的过去永远埋藏!Let the dead past burry its dead!

在密密星群里埋藏着他的赧颜。And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

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在密密星群里埋藏着它的赧颜。And hid his face aimed a crowd of stars.

矿物往往埋藏在地层深处。Minerals are often found deep in the ground.

他们把那批枪埋藏在地下了。They stashed the guns away under the ground.

埋藏较浅的砂土会发生液化。The sand buried shallowly may be liquefaction.

1789年的法国左派中就埋藏着这样的危险。So it was among the leftists in France in 1789.

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这一带地下埋藏着丰富的矿产。There are rich mineral deposits in this region.

据传说矿山里埋藏着巨大的财富。According to a legend the mine hides big fortune.

他告诉我每一个交叉点处都有埋藏的宝藏。He told me that under each cross is buried treasure.

盗贼们把珠宝箱埋藏在山上。The robbers buried the jewelry chest on the mountain.

就成为我心中深深埋藏的一条湍急河流。Becomes rapids rivers which in my heart buries deeply.

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一可疑人物在武器埋藏地附近被逮捕。In the arms of a suspect was arrested near the burial.

web不像是把存档埋藏地更深。It's not like the web is burying the archive any deeper.

就像他们知道你心里一直埋藏的是什么似的。As if they knew what it was like to carry such within you.