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酒窖可酿造白葡萄酒、桃红葡萄酒和红葡萄酒。The bodega makes white, rosé, and red wines.

颜色的花朵是光明的,樱桃红。The color of the blooms is bright, cherry red.

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系列桃红葡萄酒有着光亮的粉红色泽。Our 120 Rosé has a deep and lustrous pink color.

三月的微风,迷了桃红,乱了樱粉。March breeze, fans of the pink, cherry pink mess.

桃红李白竞春光,谁共残妆语。Pink peach spring race, who were makeup language.

略带砖红色的明亮深樱桃红。Bright dark cherry red colour with brick- red hints.

颜色浅淡近乎桃红葡萄酒的红葡萄酒。Pale wine . A red wine of a pale colour, almost rose.

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桃红柳绿相互掩映。The pink peaches and green willows set each other off.

植物显示为绿色,而空地则显示为桃红棕。Vegetation is green, and bare ground is pinkish brown.

天空中的奇花有的绿草如茵,有的桃红李白。Some of the exquisite sky green grass, and some pink and Li Bai.

蓝色的毕哥每天总是做一堆把桃红油条惹火的事。Mr. BIG always do something invidious to make pink strip feel angry.

白葡萄酒,香槟和桃红葡萄酒在上桌前开瓶即可。White wines, champagnes, and roses are uncorked just before serving.

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比一般的桃红色还要亮一点、更有魅力的桃红色调。Brighter, more vivid and more mouthwatering than your average fuschia.

娇嫩的桃红与墨绿映上灰墙,更显高雅。Delicate pink mirror with blackish green on grey wall, more show decorous.

这是一种油酥饼干,面饼中混合了白或者桃红葡萄酒和香草糖。It is a shortbread biscuit made from white or rosé wine and vanilla sugar.

路转源深行步缓,青山映水野桃红。Road, and turn the source of deep-line-step slow, Mizuno Peach Castle map.

本该草长萤飞,桃红柳绿,莺歌燕舞的热闹。The firefly fly the long grass, pink Liulv, the lively scene of prosperity.

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意大利玫瑰,有大红、绿色、白色、桃红、桔红、蓝色、粉红。Italian Rose. Bright red, green, white, peach blossom, Orange red, blue, pink.

这也是为什么葡萄酒爱好者有时对桃红酒感到失望的原因。It is probably why the amateur is sometimes disappointed by the quality of a rosé.

呈现三文鱼色调,是一款新鲜、清爽风格的桃红酒,适合年轻时饮用。This salmon-colored White Zinfandel is made in a light bodied, easy to drink style.