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照度高低取决于店面形象要求。Light levels vary depending on the store image.

全自动,高照度的紫外线曝光系统。Fully automated, high-intensity UV exposure systems.

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我如何使用对摄影手持式照度计?How Do I Use a Hand-Held Light Meter for Photography?

固定的准星有发光嵌件用于低照度条件。Fixed sights have luminous inserts for low light conditions.

水平面上一点所接受的照度值。It refers to the illuminance value received by one point on the level.

这意味着照度很好适合人眼的感觉从光的水平。This means the Lux is well fit to light level from sense of human eyes.

着重阐述了低照度下图像的特征提取。This paper mainly focuses on character retrieve of Low-light-level image.

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标定了积分球系统照度读数。Calibrated the illumination reading integration sphere light source system.

通过实验研究了侧采光光导管的采光性能,测得白天的室内外照度。Experimental apparatus of side lighting light pipe is described in this paper.

照明辐射的照度通常是以光度为单位。Illuminance of illuminating radiation is always measured in photometric units.

照度调节采用多段调光,能满足不同手术的亮度需求。Multi-stage Brightness Control can fully satisfy any requirements for different uses.

最后,根据简化的照度模型对光源的几何参数进行优化。Finally, the dimensions of the illuminator were optimized based on the irradiance model.

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照度调节采用多段调光,能满足不同手术对亮度的不同需求。Multi-step lightness control satisfies the different brightness demands in the operation.

同时考察了与紫外光辐射照度相当的太阳光对苯酚废水的氧化结果。The effects of the ultraviolet and the sun-light on the phenol degradation were compared.

研制出一种景象模拟器光源需要的照度精密控制系统。A precision illuminance control system for light source of a scene simulator is developed.

后又对计算路面亮度和照度的方法进行了详细的讨论。The calculation methods of luminance and illuminance of road surface are discussed in detail.

介绍利用照度计测量氦氖激光器功率的新方法。A new method for measuring He-Ne laser power by using illuminometer is introduced in this paper.

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对于低照度、高速运动物体等的测量拍摄场合,往往需要高灵敏度的线阵CCD相机。High-speed applications under low light condition requires high sensitivity line scan CCD camera.

实验中总结出照度分布不均匀规律的经验公式。The empirical formula concerning the unevenness of illuminance is derived from experimental data.

精确设计高效高纯铝非对称反光器,提供大范围均匀照度。High purity aluminum asymmetrical reflector with precise design, of large-range even illumination.