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产品主要销往国内和在国内的三资企业。Products are mainly sold to domestic and domestic-funded enterprises.

国内将近一半以上被外国和三资企业占领。Domestic nearly half by foreign and joint venture enterprise above occupation.

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一般贸易和三资企业出口贸易额达8000多万美元。General trade and foreign-funded enterprises export trade amounted to more than 8000 million.

本文就中国三资企业的跨文化管理进行了讨论。This paper mainly deals with the cross-cultural management in foreign-funded enterprises in China.

一般贸易和三资企业出口贸易额达8000多万美元。S. dollars. General trade and foreign-funded enterprises export trade amounted to more than 8000 million.

三资企业从业人员存在一定心理问题,有必要发展职业心理卫生的健康干预。It is urgent to take intervention measures of occupational psychological health for joint venture employees.

一位三资企业员工取得年度奖金RMB52,000,个人所得税按以下方式计算。An employee working for an FIE is paid a year-end bonus of RMB52,000. The liability for IIT is computed as below.

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策划、代理三资企业的收购、兼并、转让,设立分支机构,合同、章程变更事宜。Consulting on matters of merge and annex or shares transfer, branch opening, etc. for enterprises with foreign investment.

本文通过对15家三资企业和230多名员工的调查,对深圳特区劳动管理体制的改革情况,进行了简要的总结和分析。The authors made an investigation on 15 enterprises with foreign investment and230-odd staff and workers in these enterprises.

短短几年内,新华区已发展三资企业53家,实际利用外资近8000万美元。Just a few years, the Xinhua district has 53 foreign-funded enterprises, foreign capital actually utilized nearly 80,000,000 U.

同时,我国的加工贸易和“三资企业”也对产业内贸易起到了极大的促进作用。China's processing trade and the "Three-Funded Enterprises" also makes significant contributions to the SITC7's IIT with East Asian countries.

南京江龙精密螺丝制造有限公司是由江浦棉麻公司与香港嘉娱乐实业有限公司合资兴办的三资企业。Nanjing River Dragon Accurate Screw Manufacturing Co. , Ltd. is a joint-venture of Jiangpu Cotton & Hemp Company and Hongkong Jiayule Industry Co.

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1996年在大陆成立来料加工型企业-国臣,2002年成立三资企业-国硕。The processing enterprise, Kaochen was established in Chinese Mainland in 1996 and the foreign-funded enterprise, Kaoshuo was established in 2002.

三资企业是指中外合资企业,中外合作企业和外商独资企业。The foreign-funded enterprises actually denote Sino-foreign joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises and soly-foreign-funded enterprises.

麦考林成立于1996年1月8日,是中国第一家获得政府批准的从事邮购业务的三资企业。McCaw forest was established in January 8, 1996, is China's first approved by the Government engaged in mail-order business, foreign-funded enterprises.

总体上讲,三资企业的资源位水平高于国有和民营企业。Generally, the resources position levels of three capital owned enterprises are much higher than that of the state owned and the civil owned enterprises.

在企业的管理机制方面,三资企业与国有企业、私营企业也存在显着差异。The results have been found, there are some significant differences in both the organizational structure and the managerial mechanism of them respectively.

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首先,在上海房地产开发企业中,民营企业、三资企业所占到的比重正逐年提高。First, the real estate development enterprises in Shanghai, private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises to share the proportion is increased every year.

良好投资发展有限公司主要为国有大中型企业,三资企业,民营企业以及天津市的居民提供汽车租赁及其相关服务。Liang Hao Investment Development Co. , Ltd. offer auto car to rent and related business to nationalized company, joint venture corporation, private enterprise.

三资企业女职工参与体育锻炼的情况将直接影响我国全民健身运动的开展。The sport participation of the female workers in three kinds of foreign-invested enterprises will have a direct impact on the national fitness campaign in China.