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多数图书馆有开架和闭架两种书库。Most libraries have open and closed stacks.

我大部分阅读都是从线上书库中完成的。Most of my reading is done online or from library books.

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他每月买十本书,不久便拥有了一个丰富的藏书库。By buying ten books every month, he soon accumulated a good library.

工具书和参考书书库中的所有书都不能外借。Dictionaries and all books in the reference stacks cannot be checked out.

这个电子书库收录了大量的中国古代典籍。This electronic library contains a great number of ancient Chinese books.

书库就是在整个名单中仅在开头被移除和插入。A stack is a list in which entires are removed and inserted only at the head.

1945年,某个寒冷的早晨,一个男人带着他十岁的儿子丹尼尔来到了这个藏书库。To this library, a man brings his 10-year-old son Daniel one cold morning in 1945.

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因为图书馆空间有限,有很多书都存放在郊外的藏书库。As the space for the library is limited, many books are stored in suburban library.

网站提供了美国草药产品协会的所有信息,包括成员、政策、书库、新闻等。This site contains the informations of AHPA members, AHPA Bookstore, AHPA News, etc.

它有许多好处,例如在书库上加速和更新信息。It offers several advantages, such as speed and up-to-date information on a book's status.

这是本很棒的书,足可以成为你营养书库中的标准资料手册。It's a wonderful book and should be a standard reference volume in your nutrition library.

"美国书库"收藏范围包括戏剧、电影剧本、小说和诗歌、演讲录及新闻作品。The library encompasses plays and screenplays, novels and poetry, speeches and journalism.

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一本书,能充实一个流动的绿色书库,一本书,是一座五彩的知识云桥。A book, can fill a flow of the green library, a book, is a colorful knowledge cloud bridge.

不过,你也能在杜威图书馆和海登图书馆的书库内找到全部要求的读物。However, you can also find all required readings on reserve in Dewey Library and Hayden Library.

Border书店在这场比赛中的赛马,正在向Android用户提供它电子书库里的200万本书。Kobo, Border's horse in this race, is now offering its 2 million ebook library to Android users.

据悉,他们的作品在未经授权的情况下被谷歌扫描上网、录入谷歌图书库。They complain they were not notified before their works were scanned into Google's online library.

瓦尔纳地区图书馆由层层交替排列的开架书库阅读空间和闭架书库档案保存空间组成。The Regional Library is organized into alternating stacks of open- and closed-accessed shelf floors.

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在Garrapata这些海书库州立公园正在不断遭受大的波浪在冬季。These sea stacks in Garrapata State Park are constantly battered by large waves in the winter months.

对于图书馆联机目录,是越大越好的,一个包含了所有书库信息的系统比其他许多小一些的系统表现得好。With library catalogs, bigger is better, and one all-inclusive silo is preferable to lots of little ones.

我个人财务书库中的大多数都是从车库特卖或旧货店中低价购得的。I acquired most of the books in my personal finance library for cheap from garage sales and thrift stores.