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入口处两处规模宏大的实景模型。Two large dioramas at the entrance.

因为有些影片不能在实景拍摄。Because it can't be film in the real place.

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影片在德国世界杯期间实景拍摄。During the World Cup in Germany in photo shoot.

有人认为只要实景傍水临湖。Some people think that as long as the real Bangshui lake.

现在,维基实景软件及其他类似服务大多用作旅游指导。So far Wikitude and similar services are mostly used as travel guides.

有一个博物馆用实景模型突出刻画了纳扎尔巴耶夫生命中的关键性事件。A museum features dioramas of pivotal moments in Mr. Nazarbayev’s life.

周二一场大型实景演出在河北省西柏坡首次上演。A landscape spectacle was premiered in Xibaipo, Hebei Province on Tuesday.

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艺术品摆设区巨大的舷窗设置可让游客观看机房的操作实景。The large galley has portholes giving a view of the impeccable engine room.

以便更清晰的展现萧云从实景山水画风格之形成过程。To do this, it clearly shows the formation of the real landscape painting style.

实景培训和飞行员的多机种执照培训都具有很大的潜力。Evidence-based training and multi-crew pilot licensing have tremendous potential.

上课形式丰富,有辩论、角色扮演、或者是出去实景练习。Class content ranged from debates, role-plays and ocumentaries, to just hanging out.

这项新技术还利用了iPhone的摄像头技术,可以实现实景的效果。The new technology also utilizes the iPhone's camera technology for live-action flying.

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以实体、实景,以及人体素描为练习主题。Using various media to practice object rendering, landscape drawing and figure drawing.

它是一种通过实景拍摄获取图像来表示虚拟场景的技术。They are representing virtual environment techniques with images which are acquired through photographing.

在角色动画绘制完成后,需要考虑的问题是实景拍摄的地点。After completing the drawing of character cartoons, the site for filming the realistic scenes must be considered.

宫廷事件和政治阴谋的粉丝,及那些对实景模拟有偏好的人一定会度过一段开心的时光。Fans of courtly drama and political intrigue, and those with a penchant for dioramas are sure to have a good time.

在一幅风光照片中,如果涟漪微动的水面上能倒映出岸边的实景,是很美的。In a landscape photograph, if micro-ripples on the waters of the shore can be reflected on the real, is beautiful.

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从科幻小说、电影和电视剧集中一个元素,增强实景正在开始成为我们日常生活中可以用到的工具。Long a stable of sci-fi novels, movies and TV shows, AR is starting to appear in the tech gadgets we use every day.

庭院中树、鸟雀和露水是人间实景的描绘,也是对天上虚幻的想像,都是与中秋月夜有关的景物,虚实相宜。The trees, birds and dewdrops are not only actual things in the yard but also the imaginary counterparts in the moon.

我们专业的制作队伍,对于实景拍摄、硬照制作或动画制作等均有丰富经验。Our professional production team is highly experienced in on-site shooting, slide production and animation production.