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时光荏苒,岁月流逝。Years passed by.

后方是斑驳陆离的时光。In the rear is time.

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和她共度时光。Spend time with her.

五年大好时光了。Five wonderful years.

在哪儿都可以度过欢乐时光。Happy hours everywhere.

难挨的时光终将过去。Trying times will pass.

难捱的时光终将过去。Trying times will past.

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永恒宁非是刹那时光。And eternity in an hour.

时光如水,生命如歌。As time, life Cantabile.

微笑,享受美好时光。Smile. Have a good time.

时光悄悄地流逝。The days just glided by.

能让时光倒流吗?Can I turn back the clock?

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这正是都市的午茶时光。It is teatime in the city.

时光流逝,是多么悲哀。It's sad how times change.

这是一个有时光隧道的地方吗?Is it an area of time warp?

春天是美丽时光。Soring is a beautiful time.

春天是一段美丽的时光。Spring is a beautiful time.

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是你路过我的倾城时光。Are you pass by me the time.

可是我不能让时光倒转。But, I can't turn back time.

不要虚度你的时光。Don't diddle away your time.