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这所大学是所半日制学府。This university is a half-day rule educate.

项目工作组一度曾有12名全职员工,现在只有Nemitz先生和一位半日雇员。Now it is just Mr. Nemitz and a half-time employee.

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本卡最少消费为1日,不能单独使用本卡进行半日消费。Every time spends at least 1 day, cannot spend half day.

不到半日,树上便开出了五彩缤纷的“花”。Less than a half-day, tree then exited the colourful "flower".

今天快半日了那儿附近发生了火灾。It was almost midnight that a fire broke out in the neighborhood.

我15岁的女儿一直在寻找她的第一份半日的工作。My 15-year-old daughter had been searching for her first part-time job.

全日潮大潮对应于半日潮小潮,反之亦然。The diurnal springs correspond to the semidiurnal neaps and vice versa.

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这种痕量元素就是使得偷得浮生半日闲更加令人惬意。This subversive element is what makes the time stolen more pleasurable.

他开始学习英语之前已经学一年半日语了。He had studied Japanese for a year and a half before he took up English.

是次半日的清理行动中约清除了两吨鬼网。Around xx tonnes of ghost net was collected for a half-day clearance exercise.

FFT结果表明在该海域以半日周期潮流和日周期潮流为主。FFT results show semidiurnal tides and diurnal tides dominate the current movement.

旅发局会免费安排受影响旅客半日免费香港游。The Tourism Board would offer a free half- day tour of Hong Kong to those affected.

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你认为半日制课堂每月应收取多少学费才合理?。How much tuition fee per month do you consider to be reasonable for half-day classes?

或许我对我能在全时学习和半日工作之间作平衡是过度乐观了。I was perhaps overly optimistic about juggling both my full-time study and part-time job.

西安古城墙,大雁塔,碑林博物馆半日游。Xi'an Ancient City Wall, Big Goose Pagoda, Forest of Stelae Museum Half- Day Private Tour.

最开始是30到40元半日,上午一拨儿,下午再换一拨儿。Most are 30 to 40 yuan began half-day , morning men abuse at ways before getting men abuse.

下面介绍几种聪明的小诀窍,让你在忙碌的工作日也能偷得浮生半日闲。Click through for a few smart ways to get some beneficial nature breaks during your busy workday.

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安大略省有面向四岁儿童的半日制幼儿园,不过在小学一年级以前并不强制儿童入学。Ontario has part-day kindergarten for four-year-olds, but school is not mandatory until Grade one.

安大概省有面向四岁儿童的半日制幼儿园,不过正在小学一年级以前并不强制儿童进学。Ontario has part-day kindergarten for four-year-olds, but school is not mandatory until Grade one.

全日和半日潮计算结果与实测符合良好。Good agreement of the computed results to the observed is achieved for diurnal and semidiurnal tides.