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无人看守的桌面。Unattended desktop.

在无人知晓的时候。When none will know.

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惆怅无人试宽窄。No trial melancholy width.

这一点几乎无人知晓Nobody knows anything about it.

国无人莫我知矣。Nobody down there understands me.

带着无人领取的电报聒吵。Noisy with telegrams not received.

这笔奖金还无人认领。The reward has never been claimed.

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这个老人孑然一身无人照管。The old man lives alone in neglect.

从痛苦中得来的教训无人可教。Pain teaches lessons no scholar can.

但杰米并不在工作台附近,所以无人应答。Jamey is not at her desk to answer it.

惊起却回头,有恨无人省。Start tup but look back, have no hate.

杂草是在无人照料情况下生长的。The weeds grow without people to help.

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无人认领的被捐赠给慈善机构。Unclaimed items are donated to charity.

法官个人素质无人管?Judge individual quality nobody manages?

那座塔是什么时候建的无人知晓。When the tower was built is still unknown.

至今还无人尝试人体实验。No one has yet attempted a human experiment.

那个贼趁无人看见时逃跑了。Not being seen by anyone, the thief escaped.

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鄂尔多斯这座城市在中国境外几乎无人知晓。Ordos is a city that few outside China know.

那座塔是什么时候建的无人知晓。It is still unknown when the tower was built.

最有名的无人骑的马要数黑杰克。The best known riderless horse was Black Jack.